Joseph the Lesser Kawai Kiki



This is Joseph the male Lesser Kawai Kiki. He has no children but is an adult out on his journey to find the right mate while searching East Abraha going from higher elevations to lower and traveling North West and if he hits near the edge of the territory he'll turn west. He's on a journey to find his significant other and he may just find himself along the way.

All info is for those wanting a template info, it is voluntary to follow any of the rules as long as you give credit still.

The Kawai Kiki is a Type of Open Species created by me. The Kawai Kiki combined with the Bidgera make up the family of Geronidae in the Genus Skine. Kawai Kiki get their names from there two most common sounds they make. When they are angry they make a clicking squeak noise that sounds like kee-kee, and when they are curious or happy they make a sound that sounds like kah-whhhhhyyyyyy. There is currently three known species of Kawai Kiki. The White Tailed Kawai Kiki, the Lesser Kawai Kiki, and The Giant Kawai Kiki.

Lesser Kawai Kiki: The Lesser Kawai Kiki is the smallest of Kawaii Kiki about 3/4ths the size of the White Tailed Kawai Kiki and 3/8ths the size of the Giant Kawai Kiki. The Lesser Kawai Kiki is most commonly seen in shades of red, purple, blue-violet, maroon, black, and white. This species typically weighs 11-16 lbs with the males weighing 1-1.5 lbs more then their mate. The Lesser Kawai Kiki tends to be about 9-10 inches at the shoulders with females being about the same size. This species is the only species of Kawai Kiki that is social. With mates sticking together year round. Female pups will stick with their family for life even once they have a mate. Male pups at about 2 years will be pushed out to find a mate and live with their family. Families will stick together like that for generations however once the oldest generation has both passed their children will take their children and if they exist exist yer grandchildren and find a new home. Lesser Kawai Kiki tend to spend most of their time in trees munching on leaves, insects, berries, and if they find any eggs. They'll go on the ground a few times a day to relieve themselves and get water. Lesser Kawai Kiki are found in the lower elevations of East and West Abraha.

You are free to use this species for adopts/commissions on and off DA, along with merchandising such as movies, videos, video games, t-shirts, books, and toys. Just make sure to give credit.

1 John 4:8

He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

If you have any questions about Jesus feel encouraged to send me a note. Hate notes though will be ignored, and won't bother me so it'd be a waste of your time.