


6 years, 3 months ago




 Male - Spaceshifter - Horizon Strider - Trade expert   

Originally from Kiri No Machi, he worked for 5 years at the main market in the city center, selling and trading his many strains and species of space marijuana (that is completely legal).

Whilst in the city, he learned the many ins and outs of trading between the H-P, developing many deep connections that spread though countless islands.

He always knows how to score a great deal, and is extremely charismatic, and is always a joy to be around. Peregian is very chilled out and speaks very mellowly. 

When trading with different species, he loves to shift himself into the same species to gain more trust and to be able to speak their language is necessary. 

When he eventually wanted to change pace and move location, he was approached by Lost to join him in making a crew to explore the H E A D P L A N E T.

He was the first to be invited to join Lost in the beginning of their journey as a crew. He was able to trade his way up into first getting a boat, and then beginning to upgrade it to its current design.

The crew-

Piña - The chef of the ship, studies exotic foods and ingredients.

Lost - The Captain map-maker, using his magical instruments to make real time stunning maps of the H-P.

Boardwalk - The paramedic, always searching for new surf spots.