hali coast-pearl



1 year, 5 months ago


[ coast’pearl hali | xe/xem | hunter of the lily meadow alliance | 37 moons ]

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coast’pearl generally acts as a louder, more confident type of cat. xe is independent, and tends to do things solely for xemself, making xem a little selfish at times, and xyr confidence and independence can be more like standoffishness and coldness at times. xe acts this way, though, because it’s really the only way xe knows how to act that keeps xem safe from getting hurt/betrayed. xyr past hasn’t made it easy for xem to trust, so xe keeps most others as a distance. for the few close to coast’pearl, xe can be a more toned down and [ever-so-slightly] open cat, and at least one who feels more comfortable showing xyr feelings and acting like xe is your equal rather than above you. coast’pearl doesn’t exactly see xemself as a good cat and struggles with this and xyr identity in general, but xe refuses to listen to anyone who tries telling xem that xe really isn’t a monster.


pearl was the child of the two leaders of a very large group of cats living in the mountains. xe was a sweetheart as a young cat, often more naive than xyr peers and always being fully genuine. the group, however, was generally a harsher one, where cats like xe, didn’t last very long- and to make matters worse, xe was one of the only cats in the group who had powers of any sort, with powered cats often being stereotyped as bad luck and plotting something malicious. xe slowly began to harden up over time to protect xemself, and betrayal became common for xem- many, many others tended to try and use xem to gain favor with the leaders of the group. pearl was forced to escape from the mountains after a cat xe considered a close friend murdered one of xyr younger siblings in front of xem, then left; pearl was found curled around xyr sister’s body, still trying to hope she was alive, but the group believed xe had murdered her xemself, and xe was forced to leave under threat of death. xe was found after running for days by the lily meadow alliance, and xe reluctantly joined, extremely cautious to trust the group but seeing no other options and not being willing to live on xyr own.