Jackie's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

chewyhue Global Rules
  • Do not use any designs that are minors for sexually NSFW purposes. This is pretty much common sense but I don't want any creeps on my profile.
  • Do not resell my designs UNLESS you purchased them with USD. I put a lot of effort into my designs and I would prefer that they do not get resold if they were not originally paid for. IF YOU PURCHASE A DESIGN; you have the ability to resell. You CAN however, resell a design you got through trade if you have a fair amount of art added to them.
  • If you did NOT pay for a design and got it through trade, do NOT resell that design for currency (with the exception of the case of having art added onto the design) You may however, trade and/or regift it.
  • Do not trade / regift my designs until you have made at least one drawing of them. As previously mentioned, I put a lot of effort into my designs, and seeing someone receive it only to give it away without ever using it just feels off. Please adopt as if you would be the characters long-term home. Do not offer for a design if you are not actually interested in it.
  • Do not whitewash my POC designs. If you receive a character with darker skin, ethnic features, and/or a specified race / ethnicity, do not erase that.
  • Do not claim that you are the creator of any of my designs.

Breaking my TOS will result in a block and a blacklist from you receiving any future designs from me.