


1 year, 9 months ago


she herself… i have feelings about her..

prefix whimbrel 

suffix star

prefix meaning she was born on the longest night of winter and growing up had a knack for catching burrowing prey.

suffix meaning her leader rank

past names whimbrel’call, whimbrel’paw, whimbrel’kit.

future names n/a

current name whimbrelstar 

nicknames whim.

gender female 

gender presentation androgynous  

pronouns she/they

sexuality ace lesbian 

age in years 11

age in months 132

birth date 21st of december 

past ranks kit, apprentice, warrior, deputy

future ranks n/a

current rank leader

desired rank n/a

clan sly’clan 

mentor ant’face

apprentice spider’berry, mouse’paw (d)

mother maple’pelt

father weevil‘nose


sisters dusk’fur (d) 


other kin slug’stone (aunt) cormorant’t’stripe, spider’berry, night’fang, crow’throat, soot’cloud, raven’paw, coot’paw (cousins) dusk (half sister)

friends soot’cloud, asphodel’face, black’stripe, dace’stream, bleak’fang.

enemies slug’stone

past crushes 

current crush campion’whisker 

mate campion’whisker 

kits n/a

height average 

build lean

scars half a ear

base color tan

secondaries pinkish tan, cream

other colors two darker shades of the pinkish tan and a red overlay.

pattern type torbie

fur length short

fur type spikey

eye color blue

general design description a tan,cream and red torbie she cat with striking blue eyes and a red tail.

accessories whimbrel feathers scattered around their pelt.

design notes the red overlay has a specific color, pay close attention to her muzzle pads theres two layers.

designer me

main personality traits

- short-tempered 

- sassy

- playful

- driven

 traits in action 

- often snaps at her peers, bubble’nose gets it the worst.

- makes sarcastic remarks often and can be a bit of a brat.

- always has time to joke around and while in her older age theres a youthful spark in her still.

- usually gets her way, no matter how much loss they always get what they want.

reasons for traits

- is old and tired (and a bitch.)

- shes very egotistical and thinks that they are always right.

- its how she copes with stress

- had to work hard to get where she is today.

strengths planning, shes a very organized girlie, getting shit done.

flaws reasonable thinking, often starts unnecessary fights, egotistical. 


- kits

- rain

- the shoreline


- loud noises

- the haters

- most of slug’stones kits

early life 0-6 moons whimbrel’kit and dusk’kit were always close, maple’pelt loved them dearly but had many duties to attend to being the clans sole medic. weevil’nose was also busy, as the deputy he rarely had time to see them so the two kits often had nobody but each other during the day. it didn’t effect them too much, whimbrel’kit often watched her father work while dusk’kit would take her daily naps. whimbrel’kit was a sweetheart and very curious, leading the clan to adore her. many would give her gifts and shower her with love, dusk’kit stayed in the background, never one for the spotlight. when she was 4 1/2 moons their parents split, this was devastating for the she-kit, they had to idea why but rumors of weevil’noses fling with a rogue began to surface and neither kit knew what to do. maple’pelt kept the kits inside the medicine den while she worked now, keeping them away from any whispers. weevil’nose stopped talking to his own kits and decided to step down from his role of deputy and left the clan without a word.

teenage life 6-12/13 moons she was deep in a depressive episode when she was given whimbrel’paw as a name. ant’face, her mentor pitied the young molly, gently guiding her through her training. he often let her and dusk’paw train together, giving them time to grieve. with ant’faces help whimbrel’paw was getting better and learning to heal, she started to prove themself as a amazing warrior. whimbrel’paw was once again in the spotlight when she single handedly took down a raccoon, she was a great fighter and a even better hunter, due to her hard work holly’star gave her an assessment early, she passed with flying colors and has given the name whimbrel’call since she was so good at alerting her clanmates of nearby prey or threats.

adult life 12/13 to 120 whimbrel’call was a very efficient warrior, bringing in enough prey daily to feed 4 cats. she was quickly becoming everything she wanted, she still felt like something was off though. she often took nightly walks along the border, looking out for her father, she only told dust’paw that she was doing this. as soon as maple’pelt found out she dragged whimbrel’call across camp by her scruff to throw her in the medicine den, that caught everyones attention and soon they heard shouting. whimbrel’call blamed maple’pelt for everything, her depression at the beginning of her training, weevil’nose leaving the clan, the rumors- everything. maple’pelt knew that this was all bullshit, whimbrel’call was a amazing warrior with no issues. maple’pelt was fed up with her shit and swung her paw at her ears, nicking one clean in half. whimbrel’call fell silent, the pain stung but looking at her mother’s dissatisfaction hurt more. after a long pause and dust’fur coming in to see what happened, whimbrel’call began to apologize but maple’pelt cut them off. tossing a few herbs off the shelves and storming out of the den. as dust’fur started to treat her sisters wound they talked in hush voices, whimbrel’call was shocked at her mothers actions but it knocked some sense into the molly. ant’faces son campion’whisker walked in from out of camp, stumbling into the den basic begging for maple’pelt. instead he found the two mollies he grew up with curled up on the floor of the medicine den cleaning blood out of the dirt. dust’fur turned to pull a thorn from his pad and the three chatted a bit, his charm and his peppy attitude only distracted whimbrel’call from the conversation. after that day whimbrel’call started to hang out with the two of them, growing closer to campion’whisker and dust’fur. at around 26 moons whimbrel’call was given a apprentice mouse’paw but due to an extremely harsh winter her apprentice died only one moon into training. it devastated the young molly, still to this day she makes mentors keep dried animal pelts in the apprentice dens so the cats can stay warm. due to the winter the clan was low on food and growing weak, they had hope to hold out till spring but when dust’fur fell ill whimbrel’call sprang into action, suggesting that sly’clan takes more territory from the equally weak rogues. they had been sneaking into sly’clan territory late at night to steal what little of their prey was left and had it stock piled, so whimbrel’call led sly’clans warriors into battle. during the battle whimbrel’call watched as dust’fur fell to the ground, a molly no older than 6 moons jumped onto her stomach and sliced through dust‘furs throat. whimbrel’call screamed and broke away from the cat she was currently fighting, running towards her sister. falling to her side, weeping into her fur, whimbrel’call felt like her entire world stopped, she was hyperventilating as she sobbed, gaining the attention of the same she-cat. she placed a paw on whimbrel’calls shoulder to turn her around, leading to whimbrel’call screeching and raking her claws across the kits face and kicking her back by her stomach. the molly fell back and when whimbrel’call got a good look at her she froze. staring right at her, a young she-kit with fur the color of dust, eyes the same piercing blue as her own. the molly began to talk and she staggered to her feet but was cut off by a familiar shout. “ dusk! “ the kits head whipped around and whimbrel’call followed her gaze to a tom with icy blue eyes at the top of the rogues camp. the tom came down towards the two, the battle had mostly stopped, injured rogues gathered in one small corner while a few tried to steal back prey from the sly’clanners who where packing it up. everyone turned to stare at him, he stopped at dust’furs body and looked between the two and whimbrel’call started to tear up. weevil’nose looked to the kit with the same disgust that maple’pelt had given whimbrel’call moons ago. “ what have you done? “ he said in a low monotonous hiss. the kit shrunk into her pelt, maple’pelt bounded across the camp, and skidded to a stop after seeing the scene before her, she looked at her kit, her baby lying dead on the ground. she looked at  her ex mate, new small scars littered his frame, shes never seen him look this weak nor this angry. lastly she looked forward at her remaining kit, tears started to pour down both of their faces, wip 

general backstory summary

main life moments





important peers

- campion’whisker 

- dust’fur (d)

- dusk

favorite passtime

favorite game

favorite prey

favorite flower

favorite scent

their scent

their voice

theme song