


2165597.1418593380.avatar.png M I N D

== Male - Adult - Reaper - Demisexual - Single - Firefly Jewel ==


Reaper - 60% opacity (Subspecies)

Coloured sclera - Light pink sclera (Common)
Pupil edit - light pink pupil (Uncommon)
Firefly jewel (Rare)
Fur edit - Fluffier chest, stomach and tail (Rare)
Visible jewel powers - Hologram effect, striped glitch particles and faint glow (Rare)

Pinkish purple jewel - Power of mind


Lanthorne doesn't remember much from before they became a reaper, and what they DO remember is fragmental at best. Random images, snippets of song, flickers of a face... whatever he WAS, he isn't any longer. That's why he clings so strongly to the new memories he's made in the afterlife - memories that often involve his job. Lanthorne's favorite was the third soul he made contact with, a Sima who had passed so suddenly that they didn't even realize it had happened. They were confused, hurt, lost... and Lanthorne really hated to see them that way. He was able to reach out to them using his jewel powers and help them come to terms with what had happened, to realize and accept that they had died as well as tie up a few loose ends they'd left behind. The soul shone brightly at this moment, and entered the underworld peacefully. The whole experience was transformational for Lanthorne, and helped him come to terms with HIS new situation too: Whatever his past had been, this was his present. He was here to help people and to keep balance in the world. Up to this point he'd been unsure of his role as a reaper. But now he realized his true power.

He'll never forget the difference he made in one Sima's non-life, and he'll never stop striving to help others get through the most difficult of times. It gives him a sense of direction.