


1 year, 5 months ago


⚪The oldest child of Rouge and Big, Also Tiny's older brother🟣

Although being the son of a theif and a fisherman, Jasper has no interest in either of those hobbies.
He prefers to study fashion and learn how to make stylish clothing, He dreams of owning his own fashion house and to help people strut their stuff.
Jasper also wants to work as a model!
Flamboyant and sassy, deep down he has a heart of gold, but also he flusters really easily.

💖 Jasper's best friends are Celeste, Tide, and his sister Tiny ofc 

💎 He's a huge drama queen, but ultimately he's chill and down to earth. However his little sister Tiny can bring out the worst in him, you know how siblings are.
💎 Jasper has a close relationship with his mom Rouge, he often goes to her for fashion advice or just for comfort when his nerves get fried.
💎 Jasper tries his best to hang out with his dad Big as a means to relax after work and class, He finds a secret comfort in just enjoying the lake view from time to time.
💎 Even though Jasper and Tiny fight a lot, they are always there for each other. Jasper will do anything to protect Tiny and keep her safe, even if that means he gets hurt in the process
💎 Jasper really loves trying out new outfits, he loves sewing and making his own clothes
💎 Jasper is very very gay, He flusters really easy when he's around guys he likes
💎 Jasper often has a hard time being in crowds, he can only stay in them for so long before he needs alone time