Elliot Carson



1 year, 5 months ago



Name Elliot Carson
Called Eli, Ell
Age 22
Height 185cm
Gender male
Class Ranger, gloomstalker
Species half-elf


  • Hunting, fishing
  • Helping others, being useful
  • Cooking, woodcarving
  • Adventuring, travel, exploration
  • Were-bears
  • Skinners
  • ----
  • Criminals, corruption



Elliot Carson is the youngest son of Tamara Carson. He was born in Naporia, and has known nothing but the slightly shabby seaside town all of his life. In his young years, he used to stutter. It was frustrating, especially as some other kids would tease him about it. His mother helped him overcome the stutter by helping him practice speaking, reading out loud, and such. They would often cook together, with him reading out the recipe and process. Words he struggled on, she'd patiently wait. If there was words he could not get out properly no matter what, she taught him words meaning the same, or helping him rephrase to avoid the word. Overall, she taught him patience.

Among the other kids, Aiden was one of his best friends. The two could not have been more dissimilar from each other. Aiden being social and outgoing, a smooth talker, and Elliot being shy and withdrawn, often not speaking a lot. Aiden would often drag Elliot into trouble, and Cass - Aiden's older sister - would chastize them. They both grew to respect Cass' fury. Or perhaps fear was a better word for it. Much to Tamara's initial dismay, Elliot would often seek out the docks. There he'd meet the more unsavoury people of Naporia, people Aiden soon made his own. One of the people Elliot met and befriended, was a tiefling who washed up on shore one day, Raine. He took her home one time when he realized she had nowhere to go and was hungry. Ever since then, Raine would drop by the Carson household. Tamara came to view Raine as an adopted daughter of sorts. They were all sad when she left one night, giving no proper farewell. Some people claimed Raine left on a pirateship.

Growing up, he'd gotten his hands on a bow and practiced with it. He'd sneak off into the nearby woods where he could be alone. No one to talk to him, no one he had to talk to. Just him and the woods. It was a passtime he enjoed a lot, and grew comfortable there. As his skills grew, he eventually volunteered his services to the guard captain, Krieg Ilingworth. His days were spent making himself helpful to the people of Naporia as a guard, hanging out with friends at the local tavern, cooking with Tamara, and seeking out the woods for solitude once in a while. On repeat. Day in, day out. Stories from adventurers passing by had him listening in rapt attention now as much as it had in his youth. As a result he kept looking out over the sea, looking down the road out of Naporia, dreaming of leaving. Dreaming of having an adventure of his own, seeing the world. But he hesitated to leave, knowing what he'd leave behind.

His Travels


Elliot's life took a sudden change when a group of adventurers entered town. The group helped the town chase off a vampire, clear out undead from the church, as well as helped rescue people from a burning ship at port. This was when he had his first meeting with them - Cendre Dawnsong and her companions. He'd end up offering them cookies made by his mother, and the group eventually ran into each other a few times. On a whim one of them asked him out - and he surprised himself by accepting. This led him down a path that led to him leaving Naporia. At first, it was joining the group on a mission to escort an archaelogist to study some ruins, during which time he managed to get closer to Cendre. It brought him joy to be able to see her discover small joys, though he had no idea yet just how miserable her life had been until very recently. Upon their return to Naporia, the town was visited by members of the Skinner organization; Moxie the reaper, as well as several skinners under his command. In a stroke of luck, they did not end up killing Cendre, instead she talked him down by revealing her haunting past as having grown up prisoner to a cult. A small fight ensued, where Moxie deemed it fit to test them, to see if they would be able to hold their own should they run into more reapers or skinners. In the battle, he killed Elliot, though thankfully his mother Tamara had been there to revivify him. In a daze of shock, he did not stop Cendre from leaving with her group, nor did he go with her.

For days he mulled over what had happened, dealing with the shock of dying... as well as the strange emptiness left behind by Cendre. As two monster hunters - Jasmina and Callian - had finished preparations for a job issued by his childhood friend Cassandra, he decided to join. The mission was to find her missing brother, who was last heard from having gone to the town of Myrefall. Aiden being Elliot's best friend, he decided that it was only right for him to join. Although he joined in the capacity of a guard of Naporia, it was still his first taste of an adventure where he did not merely tag along for the experience, but took everything very seriously. This did not stop his group from running into a werebear, where they lost one companion. Elliot had been lucky. Although maimed, he had only lost an eye and some lacerations, while Jasmina had lost an arm. Despite that, in light of having lost one member of their group, it was a cheap price to pay.

It was on the road from Naporia to Myrefall that Elliot heard from Cendre again - through a messenger who called herself Gwen. He would receive telepathic messages - Sendings - from her, with short updates and questions about his whereabouts. It turned out, her group was also bound for Myrefall. Through some careful work, his group made it to the outskirts of Myrefall without further major incidents, and they had only to wait a few days before Cendre and her group arrived. It was here that he solidified his relationship with Cendre, and the groups decided to work together. They managed to save Aiden, though the city fell to Deepfog. The group headed to Eldenspire, where Elliot decided to join Cendre's party for good, while Jasmina and Callian went their own way.


Elliot is incredibly shy around women, especially those he has a crush on. He never quite managed to get out of his way when it came to courtship, and has not had a girlfriend yet.

While incredibly agile, he is not very strong. He focuses on his strength in the bow, knowing that a high vantage point will serve him better than if he was up in the fray

Due to his time spent in the woods around Naporia, he is a skilled tracker and hunter. He has a good sense of direction

He considers himself to be pretty average, having very little magic knowledge and skill. He is, however, incredibly skilled in a variety of things - carpentry, woodcarving, painting, cooking, fishing, hunting, to name a few

He has dimpled cheeks



Green Apelsin - I'll Dance on Your Grave
Malukah - The Dawn Will Come
Sonata Arctica - Sing in Silence
Indila - Love Story
Karliene - Dance With Fire
Ashley Serena - Lullaby of Woe


Tamara Carson

His mother. He loves her immensely, and misses her while on the road. Despite this, he is eager to be out in the world.

Cendre Solenne Dawnsong

An adventurer that one day stepped off a ship in Naporia. She made herself useful and helped in some hectic moments at the dock, and somehow ended up asking him out on a date. They have been getting closer ever since. He joined her and her group for a major job that took them away from Naporia for a solid month. After that, things happened and Cendre had to leave. Elliot was given the choice to join or stay behind, and he chose to stay. Which he regretted. Eventually they met up again, and are currently engaged to be married.

Gwen "Melody"

A travel companion of Cendre's. He first "met" her by means of the Sending spell, where Gwen conveyed messages from Cendre. She'd keep delivering the messages, and teasing him just a little. When they met in the flesh, she kept teasing him but he took it in stride. It heped that Gwen was a good sport whenever he retaliated, and the two became fast friends.
