


1 year, 5 months ago


Maisyn Rhodes

17 (start) 20 (end)

Transmasc (he/she)

South East Asian



  • Bass Player! In a band called the Lodestar.
  • Practices MMA! Does a mixture of Kickboxing and Wrestling .
  • Has an extremely large collection of plushes and stuffed animals.
  • Wanted to be a farmer growing up.

Design Notes

  • Has a "Jock" like aesthetic, wears a lot of sports wear and basic "boy" clothing often.
  • Hair is rather wavy and often covers his eyes, Xanthe often helps cut them to keep them out of his face when he's practicing.
  • Tallest one out of the original three, stands at 5'9.
  • Pretty stocky, so she does have rather large shoulders.


Maisyn Rhodes, often affectionately referred to as "Mai" or "Maizie" by her friends, is a high school junior with a lax and sleepy demenor, often taking the backseat in any conversations that takes a bit too much effort to think about. He was among the first keys that Alastair formed a contract with, when Mai wishes to save Xanthe from nearly dying in a house fire.

Introduced in the story as one of the first Keys Alastair forms a contract with, along with Xanthe, Maisyn is one of the stronger Keys formed in this universe. Her powers are lightning based, being general lighting based strikes, but in Mai's case, influencing his speed and movement, and being able to channel his lightning through multiple parts of his body upon contact. Has the ability of precognition and can speed clone their body in short spurts.

They are a rather blunt and aloof person, often blurting out things without really thinking. However he truly does have a heart of gold and is always sticking his neck out to bail out his friends from any problems they might be having, even if it can sometimes end up making things worse. Super protective of Alastair and Xanthe in particular.