Bunny Fae



6 years, 2 months ago


These 6 legged rabbits are messengers/familiars of the gods(? Im just trying to write something)

Their pelts have the color, markings and smell of various fruits. They have bright glowing pupils and a darker sclera. They are incredibly soft to touch and very friendly in demeanour. They posses moth wings and antenna and they are rarely seen in broad daylight. They are very fast runners, a short trail of light following them. If threathened, they can turn invisible or even teleport away. They will never resort to violence and actually dont have the means to do so. If they are caught by an enemy, the most they can do is kick up magic dust in the attackers face that will confuse them for a brief moment, taking the opportunity to teleport away.

They are not invincible, they can get hurt and even be killed. When killed they gradually but quickly break down in rays of light that float away before fading out.