Lorelei Edelstein



6 years, 3 months ago


The Princess and the Pauper Lorelei is a princess- but not one by blood. Dinah is the flesh of the young queen but sired by another male. The king had been elated to have an heir, but the queen with dread had remembered the affair. She paid off the midwife to switch the babies if the child favoured her father. And unfortunately, she did. The custom of keeping the child and mother out of anyone’s sight for three days made it relatively easy for the switch to happen. In the day after the birth, the midwife found another child of similar looks to the queen, and made the switch. The unknowing couple didn’t mind the oddness of their baby, and the royal pair had their heir.

Lorelei Edelstein had a precocious nature as a child. Growing up, she had everything she wanted and more. The kingdom of Cervijou was prosperous, with money in the coffers and trade rising everyday. Of course, the sole heir of this fortune was protected like the center jewel of their country. The child was waited on hand and foot, and special divisions of guards were appointed to watch over her. This continued until Lorelei was well into her teens, when she started valuing her privacy. She demanded the constant surveillance to be scaled back. She learnt to fight, to defend herself, with both formal training and with tricks she picked up on the streets, from the errand boys, from the guards themselves. And by then her rebellious streak had her venturing into the city alone, into seedy areas that were best left to the shadows of the night. It was here that she met Dinah.
