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Nacht hails from a northern monarchy that lived in the high mountains surrounding the Boreal Woodlands. Their pack was small and had a brutal hierarchy that favored the strong and disposed of the weak. He was the first son of the lead male and as such was raised to later inherit the pack which he was born into. This ultimately meant a very harsh and relentless regime which bred him into a cold and aloof, but frighteningly capable warrior. By the time he was a young teen, Nacht began carrying out spy missions beyond the border of their territory and running reconnaissance on the enemy pack that inhabited the taiga below them. He was apathetic about his soon to be position as leader among his pack, Nachts greatest concern was that his pack not only survived, but thrived. And he was fully prepared to take whatever means necessary to ensure this happened.

Before he was officially ranked as one of the Generals, Nacht was taken under the wing of his uncle, Rorik, who occupied the position of reconnaissance officer. Nacht had been training under him for many moons by this point, and thought nothing of the males increased interest in his capabilities. After expressing concern, Rorik lamented that he suspected his father of treason against the pack, and successfully instilled doubt and suspicion in the black warrior. A year and a half of age and Nacht had already begun one of the greatest trials of his life; having to choose between his ill minded father and the pack he was always sworn to serve. Nacht knew to a degree that there was reason to question the abilities of his father. He had become raving mad and ill minded where once he had terribly rude health, sad it was that he would be betrayed by that very same health so close to the time where Nacht was due to take up his fathers position.

It didn't take much more to convince Nacht that something had to be done, and he teamed up with his uncle to begin surveillance on his ever deteriorating father. He would watch, and take stock. He wanted to be sure he had all the facts before deciding if it was enough to act upon.

Unfortunately, it was.

His father had become a raving lunatic, throwing out even strong warriors without an ounce of remorse, the harsh treatment far exceeding even what was normally expected of the leader. Other warriors were beginning to get ill as well, and Nacht found the progression and spread of the illness to be an immediate threat. Attempting to reason with his father and present the concern of illness spreading, he was met with equal violence that had been shown to the other warriors of his pack, and had even been nearly assaulted in the sudden whip of anger. He returned to his uncle and they both agreed that something had to be done. Moving at night, Nacht invited his father onto a reconnaissance mission into the territories of the Boreal Woodlands with the promise of a meet up with his implants in the pack. Stalking about the spear woods, Nacht was careful to avoid the knife like branches that jutted out from the trunks of the unforgiving trees. The woodland packs never came here, even the large wolverine like beasts that stalked the summer taigas were wary of the fog cloaked trees, which made it the perfect meeting place. His implants were to meet him here and help him dispose of the body before anyone was tipped off, as his uncle had arranged prior to their departure.

"Where are they. . ." the sharp voice of his father cut, sending a chill up his back and lifting the fur there. Nachts sharp blue eyes turned over his shoulder and he grunted, a weary fear gurgling at the pit of his stomach. He knew what had to be done, and he knew this would ultimately be for the best of his pack, but there was still distress and uncertainty in his heart. Thank the gods that the leader was too distracted to notice.

"What the fuck. . ." his father groaned again, relaxing in a display of frustration. He had moved to inspect the spike-like protrusions that branched out of the tree's sides. Nacht's eyes honed in on his father then, and it is with a predator-like focus that Nacht stalked around his careless father. This has to be done, he told himself, paw steps falling deathly silent on the soft grass beneath his feet. He had to be careful, whatever illness his father had carried had proven to be contagious, whether by benign contact or otherwise. This meant he didn't want to break the skin, he didn't want to give his father the opportunity to fight back and consequently spread the virus to yet another wolf. Feeling his heartbeat deep in his chest, Nacht counted the seconds until he was in position and then he threw himself into his fathers side, skewering the sickly male through the chest and far enough that he couldn't manage to push himself free. There were gurgling cries then, obscenities that Nacht didn't care to note as the male thrashed violently against his mount. The black warrior watched absently as his fathers movements became less erratic, and when the male finally fell slack against the tree, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

It was one of the few times Nacht felt the urge to puke.

He did what was necessary, he knew in his heart that this was their way of life. Dishonorable tactics were no stranger to the pack, it didn't matter how you played the game as long as you came out the winner. . .

Nacht acknowledged the abhorred gazes of the implants he had been scheduled to meet looking upon him, and he turned to meet their eyes. The male and female glared at him in abject horror, and suddenly an unseen anger welled up within him and he raised his tail "Well?" he snarled expectantly "Will you aid me in disposing it or not?!"

He never received a verbal answer, instead the warriors ducked into the clinging fog and sprinted away again. Typical. They were fully prepared to accept a responsibility and flake the moment they needed to commit to it. He would see to it that they were appropriately punished, and if they were wise. . . they might not return to the pack at all.

Turning a furious gaze to the lifeless husk that hung from the tree-spear, it was with a disgruntled huff that he moved forward and took to the task of being rid of the body. After all, Nacht was anything but sloppy.

It was mid-morning when he was finished, and he left the Boreal Woodlands tired, and begrudged. He would be debriefed by his uncle when he made it back to the peaks and then they would move forward with their plan thereafter. Nacht would resume his fathers position and they would work promptly on isolating and treating the ill, sparing what resources they could on their health in hopes they may recover. Nacht valued strength, but he knew illness was not the fault of the ill. He was not keen on wasting more loyal pack members to the routine of disposing of a wolf who, for a moment, became more trouble than they were worth.

Hiking up the mountains took him until late in the evening, and when he arrived within the territory, all was eerily silent, and immediately Nacht felt the fur on his back rise. Where were the guards? They weren't at their posts and the next rotation didn't happen until after sunset. . .

Cautiously Nacht continued to trail his way up to the central meeting grounds, and behind him he could hear hushed voices.

"He's back. . ." ; "We need to notify Rorik. . ."

Nacht was incredulous when he stepped into the clearing, staring into the crowd of wary warriors who regarded him with silent disgust. Blue eyes scanning, he soon found his uncle sitting at the head of the flat surfaced rock that was the seat of the leader when he meant to address his pack. An unfamiliar sensation dawned upon him then, and his eyes moved over to the implants who had been meant to assist him in the disposal of his fathers body standing warily not far behind Rorik.
Shit. . .

"You are bold to return to this pack after such a heinous crime, or have you come to be fairly tried for your murder, Nacht. . ." Rorik snarled, fierce gaze near pinning him down in his spot.

There was a chorus of whispers surrounding him and he could feel the circle of warriors close behind him and his ears shifted to acknowledge their position. He'd been had.

Calmly he planted himself and he peered around, "I know not of what you speak."

"Lying now too, are we? How unbecoming."

"Guilty. . ." ; "Traitor. . ." The whispers were becoming uproar now as Nacht's defiance stirred his pack mates. Before Nacht could say more in his defense, his uncle barked the order to subdue him, and two warriors were deployed to carry out his word. Baring his teeth for the first time now, Nacht danced away from them on his fleet foot, making the mistake of doubting the surrounding warriors not to interfere when a female lunged and knocked herself into him, sending him tumbling against a rock with a grunt. Breath taken from him by the sheer force of the collision, Nacht is dazed when his uncle speaks again "It is with a heavy heart that I sentence Nacht, my nephew, to death. An equal punishment for the crime he has committed against us."

"Wait. . . hear me out. . ." he said calmly, inspiring a haughty laugh from Rorik.

"Insolent fool, the words of a murderer hold no grounds here. Why haven't you pinned him yet?!"

Panic overcame him now as he realized the inevitability of his demise, the dark warrior fled any grip on his present mind and resorted to the only thing he knew; survival, no matter the cost. He didn't care about justifying the means of his actions, he just had to get out.

Rolling to his feet, the male weaved his way around the heavy warrior that was approaching to detain him now, and used that clumsy weight to knock out the surrounding warriors that blocked his way to escape. With a snarl, Nacht leaped over them and disappeared into the trees, nearly throwing himself down the mountain in the feverish directive to escape.

He had to get as far away from here as possible. . .


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut egestas nunc id purus venenatis, ac mollis augue bibendum. Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula. Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum. Ut tincidunt, mi vitae sagittis sollicitudin, leo mauris aliquet odio, at congue lectus libero sit amet diam. Morbi vitae finibus arcu. Nulla congue nisi quis mollis consectetur. Vivamus lobortis ornare pellentesque. Etiam ultricies, nulla sed consectetur dapibus, leo sapien lobortis quam, ac luctus neque lorem varius risus. Proin aliquet purus in erat consectetur lacinia. Maecenas egestas vehicula neque, sed cursus libero fringilla et. Vivamus ac neque at turpis scelerisque faucibus. Praesent in efficitur felis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut egestas nunc id purus venenatis, ac mollis augue bibendum. Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula. Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum. Ut tincidunt, mi vitae sagittis sollicitudin, leo mauris aliquet odio, at congue lectus libero sit amet diam. Morbi vitae finibus arcu. Nulla congue nisi quis mollis consectetur. Vivamus lobortis ornare pellentesque. Etiam ultricies, nulla sed consectetur dapibus, leo sapien lobortis quam, ac luctus neque lorem varius risus. Proin aliquet purus in erat consectetur lacinia. Maecenas egestas vehicula neque, sed cursus libero fringilla et. Vivamus ac neque at turpis scelerisque faucibus. Praesent in efficitur felis.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula.
  • Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum.
  • Ut tincidunt, mi vitae sagittis sollicitudin, leo mauris aliquet odio, at congue lectus libero sit amet diam.
  • Morbi vitae finibus arcu. Nulla congue nisi quis mollis consectetur.
  • Vivamus lobortis ornare pellentesque.
  • Etiam ultricies, nulla sed consectetur dapibus, leo sapien lobortis quam, ac luctus neque lorem varius risus.





Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.