


1 year, 5 months ago


Satus: Deceased in Girfugol, planning to use for Anathema

10.2 HH

Name: Hawthorn

Name origin: A species of flowering shrub that shares colors with his plumage. Rhaphiolepis indica | Indian Hawthorn

Nicknames: Rust

Rank:Laborer (Farmer)

Species: Hippus

Species Combination: Bateleur Eagle x Pronghorn 

Kingdom: Plains Kingdom

Age: 3 years
Sex: Roo | Male

Gender: Nonbinary 

Pronouns: He/They

Sexuality: Panromantic
Plot death: Yes 

Cause of death if no plots available: Missing and killed by wild animals or maybe murdered by bandits.

Purchased traits: None

An  average Hippus from a line of farmers, Hawthorn has yet to bulk out as  much as his brothers and father, but he’s been growing into a handsome  young adult. His most notable feature is his elegant legs, lacking the  usual eagle taloned forelegs like his siblings and parents, and then the  bright red on his nape. He often has a relaxed demeanor and sturdy  posture.
Size Class: Medium
Weight Class: Spry


Positive - Compassionate | Helpful | Playful
Neutral - Unhurried | Folksy | Mellow
Negative - Childish | Cowardly | Fatalistic


Nestling:  Hawthorn was the 5th born to his humble parents, followed in a few  months by a younger sister, the only girl of the family. The two huddled  close and spent much of their time cared for by their mother whilst  their elder siblings and father toiled beyond the bright light of the  shelter doorway. Hawthorn only remembers the warmth of his mother and  younger sister and his belly being filled with a myriad of tasty plants.

Fledgling:  The young Hippus developed his first juvenile colors, feathered in  brown plumage. He started to test his wings and attempt flying but out  of the two newest additions to the family he wasn’t particularly strong  enough to fly and his younger sister seemed to develop stronger flight  abilities even at a young age. The pair were taught some of the very  basics of herbs, and would spend most of their days either eating,  sleeping, watching their older brothers labor, or listen to their mother  about plants and the importance of farmers. 

Sub-adult:  As Hawthorn grew older he and his sister were enrolled in a local  school during the day to learn the basics of reading, laboring and the  importance of honing their fighting skills. While their little village  was relatively untouched as of yet from the war, the fighting had grown  closer in the years and his family and neighbors were wary of the fights  getting too close. After school hours, the juvenile Hippus would then  be employed to assist on the family farm. Though their tasks were  generally simple in nature and most of it involved instructing the  younglings on how to tell what plant was what, how to harvest and  prepare crops, how to plant and when to plant. They’d spend sunset  eating a meal together with the family, and afterwards Hawthorn would be  goaded into sparring with his elder brothers. These spars never  amounted to the young Hawthorn ever claiming victory, but he did learn  how to run away. After escaping from his siblings who’d often try  bullying him into more fights, he’d run off to the fields behind the  house to practice more flying. Eventually getting the knack for basic  flight just shy of his 2nd year.  

Adult:  After his 2nd birthday, Hawthorn was employed in full by his parents,  laboring along with his brothers to farm a variety of crops. He grew  rather fond of the work, despite how hard it was at times, enjoying  being able to turn a miniscule seed into something that could feed and  heal. His favorite plants to cultivate were flowers and Hawthorn was  given permission by his mother to have a small flower garden built on  his once favorite flying practice spot. Most of his days would speed by,  being occupied from early dawn til sundown toiling away at his work,  but nearing summer the little village was accosted by the ever  encroaching remnants of battle. The war was almost won, at least in  their eyes, with the dromaeus and Gryphus losing numbers and allies. The  little town wasnt built for war though, and as the weeks past, many of  the residents fled. Hawthorn’s family was insistent on staying to  protect their land and family farm, but that decision proved deadly. On  one evening a small group of fleeing Dromaeus had sacked the farm,  attacking and injuring Hawthorn’s father and killing one of his brothers  in pursuit of food and healing supplies. The rest were fortunate to  escape into the night with his mother, but Hawthorn was haunted by the  sight of his eldest brother’s last breath. He’d almost been felled  himself, but his younger sister had managed to scare off the Dromaeus  with fierce screeching and a flaming pitchfork. Her expert flying seemed  to aid her efforts as the group of Dromaeus in turn fled the banshee of  the farm.

Since then,  Hawthorn and his family rebuilt the farm, but the place was never the  same to him. Hawthorn wanted to seek out justice for his sibling, but he  couldnt ever find the motivation or determination to leave the safety  of home or what was familiar. Instead he wallowed about the village when  not working on the farm, or hid away in his flower garden. The only  member of his family who could get him out of his depressed state was  his younger sister and with her encouragement Hawthorn came out of his  shell a bit, being more adventurous at her suggestion. Really he hoped  to change his life in some way, perhaps wanting to move someplace  without the memories this one had and dreaming of starting his own  simple flower shop, however the young hippus had to first overcome his  indecision and fear of change. 


Bacopa - Father - 11 years
Vinca - Mother - 12 years

Sego - Older Brother (deceased) 8 years at time of death (9)
Loasa - Older Brother - 7 years

Nettle - Older Brother - 6 years

Sorrel - Older Brother - 5 years
Rue - Younger Sister - 3 years

Rue: Hawthorn’s favorite sibling, the two are close in age and from the same nest.

None. So far he doesn’t socialize much outside of his family and with those who come to the farm.