


6 years, 3 months ago


Appearance: Tending towards more monochrome colors with flairs of neon green, this bot’s body is polished to a reflective shine. Small and thin, he’s about half the average bot’s size. His thin body often makes him seem even smaller. He’s not built for fighting, more for being able to slip through areas most others can’t.

Personality: He’s quite mad. Not like, angry all the time, but actually mad. This bot is often very sporadic in his actions and prone to forgetting what he’s doing often. Because of this he rushes everything and barely can stay still. . While he’s very friendly to almost everyone that he meets, he’s had a few moments of a sudden personality flip, where he drives them out of the area with excessive force. He doesn’t have good control of his emotions and is prone to speaking the first thing that comes to mind.

- In built binoculars (He has the ability to see absurdly long distances or really close up, uses it a lot when he’s building)
- His creations have an 30/70 chance of a catastrophic meltdown (the 70% chance) or perfect success (the 30% chance)
- He gets attached very easily
- Every once in a while a glitch will happen and he’ll start spouting out nothing but gibberish before it eventually fixes itself

Extra: Came to the planet to sell the few inventions that do work, and to finally find a place big enough to set up his own lab. He's indifferent towards the two factions, but tends to lean more towards the decepticons as they tend to be nicer towards seekers in a way.