Addie's Comments

Hey! anyone here interest you for this lil bebe? :0

I don't see anyone I would use, buttttt if you're open to doing some art of a HTTYD oc, I'd definitely take some art for them! ^^

I could :0 Would u be interested in one of these?


I'd probably be looking more for 2 full bodies since she has a few art pieces 🩷

Hmm okay, atm imma lay off ty for ur time though! ;^; I was trying to get them for a friend but we decided on something else ^^

 Hiii, I can offer Ocs/Trades🍄💕ALL of my folders are OPEN lmk if you like anyone

Would you be able to trade this one for them? :o


Awesome! I'll send over a transfer ^^

the are so cute, would you except trades from here

I'm sorry I didn't see anyone that caught my eye for either of the characters! ;o;