


1 year, 5 months ago




”Mar/Mars” - they/he/it – trans masc - 27 years - Spotify playlist

Warlock Extravagant Aloof Confident Vain

𝔐ars usually comes off as very vain but charming, always wanting to look his best, often seemingly most concerned about their own ambitions. They enjoying lavish and comfortable lifestyle and are willing to make sacrifices to keep it that way. Mars can be rather self-indulgent and lazy, preferring to avoid all manual labour. They love nothing more than a glass of wine and good gossip.

Mars works as a well established mage and has a vast collection of books on the topic. He is an passionate scholar that has specialized in death magicks, alchemy, reading omens and decrypting prophecies. They're often consulted on their knowledge and because of that Mars is well connected. He has an keen eye for any rare or unusual tomes and objects and has managed to gather sizable private collection of rare artefacts and such. Mars has many acquintances and is very socially active, often taking part in dinners, parties and other high class events. Even though they give the outward appreance of being open and easy to befriend Mars is rather distrusting, afraid of being target of others manipulations.

Design notes Flexible design. Mars has a more feral form (original design) but can also shift to a form with more human torso. Especially in his more feral form he can give off "uncanny valley" feel to normal humans. Marking and color placement/size/amount etc can be changed and simplified. Colours are inspired by common crane. Glasses optional. Can wear additional jewelry and accessories. Has sharp canines but can be drawn with normal teeth. Mild gore ok, alcohol/smoking ok.

Name In the Finnish language, various phenomena and omens related to death are called marras. In connection with Finnish folk beliefs, martas are, among other things, the souls of the dead.