

Basic Info


3 (Collectively)

Creation Day:

August 9th




89lbs (Variable)



Quick Trait List:    Playful, Goofy, Dramatic, Manipulative, Theatrical, Sweet, Charming, Cuddly, Mischievous.


  • Scuttlers are incredibly cuddly by nature. Any bit of affection makes them squish their cheeks and fall over with joy. Often times, they will purposefully act a certain way to ensure that loving attention is given to them. 
  • Scuttlers are skilled actors, perfectly capable of playing up a role of being clumsy silly plush creatures while being perfectly observant of all that goes on around them. Though capable of great consequence...they mostly use these talents to play around with others. 
  • Scuttlers are mischievous! Their boredom is truly something to be wary of. They will hide in all manner of small places, inside drawers, or even hang off the ceiling just to get a chance to leap down and spook someone! Just as much as they are capable of laying down somewhere inconvenient so that someone trips over them. If this happens, a Scuttler will begin to sniffle and act like they are hurt. The Scuttler is, indeed, not hurt at all. 
  • Just like their dad, Scuttlers are capable of great theatrical timing! Though they use it entirely to their advantage to be the center of attention. Be it if someone was looking forward to some food, searching for something they lost, or looking to get a nap...a Scuttler could scoot on by any moment to steal the show! 
  • Scuttlers tend to tucker themselves out pretty fast due to all these antics. Because of this, it isn't uncommon to find a Scuttler snoozing with their squad (a squad consists of 7 total Scuttlers) for the sake of comfort as well as rest. One moment a Scuttler could be skipping along before falling right onto their face, swarmed by 6 unseen Scuttlers to form a pile to rest in. 
  • Scuttlers are highly emphatic, often stopping whatever they are doing if they sense someone who feels sad or lonely. A Scuttler will typically approach whoever it is, alone, and offer them a hug. If the hug is accepted, the rest of the Scuttlers squad will come out to ensure that they can help the person overcome their flood of emotions. 
  • Above all else, a major part of their personality is a deep love for their Dad, Fatescar. They used to call him Boss, but once they discovered the word "Dad", it was impossible to get them to stop. Fatescar didn't help himself in this situation, as every bit of love and care he mustered towards them only solidified their shouts of joy. 

Physical Description:

  • Made from a soft, velvety material...a Scuttlers form is spherically rotund.  They have obvious golden stitching along their sides, showing off more of their fabric based nature. 
  • Scuttler eyes are buttons, lovingly sewed onto their bodies by Fatescar. These buttons are held in place by a golden thread...and despite how they were most certainly static when first installed...Scuttlers are perfectly capable of altering the threads and buttons themselves to express emotions. 
  • Their golden thread glows in the dark! Very useful for cozy night lighting as well as being creepy to peer from the dark. 
  • Scuttlers are wearing a purple sheet and have a darker underside if you look beneath it. Only Fatescar knows what they look like without the sheet on and it's a secret he plans not to tell. They do, however, enjoy how it helps them look cutely spooky! 
  • Scuttlers have two legs, two arms, and two feelers. The feelers on their head allow them to freely release the eldritch energies Fatescar infused them with while he was creating them. Their flipper arms and small legs do little to stop just how wonderfully mobile they can be. Despite all appearances, do not doubt a Scuttler's strength! They are capable of mighty feats...if they feel like it. 
  • Scuttlers have a beak on their face! Prominent! Dense! Hard! It's what they use to eat snacks, nip at inattentive people, and chew through anything if they happen to be bored. They take great joy in shining their beaks, just like they do shining their buttons. 

Other Stuff:
Likes: Hugs, kisses, sweets, attention, naps, surprises, spooky things, playing, Fatescar.
Dislikes: Lack of affection.
Strengths: Charming, optimistic, playful, non-judgemental.
Weaknesses: Manipulative (even if it's in a child-like way), easy to spin up, requires bedtime stories to get a full night's rest.