elidi racing-flame



1 year, 5 months ago


[ racing’flame elidi | she/him | guardian of the lily meadow alliance | 27 moons ]

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despite how her name may make her seem, racing’flame actually has a rather chill demeanor. he is energetic and a bit reckless, sure, but his emotions are very much under his control, not uncontrolled or at all angry like flame may imply. she likes to show off her skills, sometimes acting a little reckless in order to do so and to prove she’s truly worth was what she talks herself up as. he does it less for other’s validation, though, and really more to prove it to himself. racing’flame is a good cat to go to for advice, with a surprising amount of wisdom for her age, and honestly most of the tips she gives are good ones [except for when she challenges you to a bet. in that case, smile and nod and get yourself out of there.]


flash was the swift-footed kit of two warriors of two different warring groups. her parents had loved her, but it was quickly obvious that she had powers that took after her mother, though she lived with her father’s group. neither of her parents wanted their relationship revealed, and flash was left near the camp of a third group that lived far off from the other two. the reason they were so distant, though, was because they, unliked the other two, didn’t accept cats with powers into the group, and kicked out cats who were revealed to have developed them. flash quickly learned to slow himself down and pass off his speed as simply skill. when he grew older, he fell in love with a cat named rattlesnake, and discovered firstly his ability to enhance other’s powers, and secondly that rattlesnake had powers of her own; weak fire magic. the two of them swore to each other to keep the secret, but of course it wasn’t so easy, and they were one day discovered when flash’s powers caused rattlesnake’s to act up and start a fire. flash saved as many cats as she could from the fire, and nobody was seriously injured, but the accident caused hostility. the two were exiled and lived on their own for about a moon, searching for somewhere safe for the two of them to live, before rattlesnake was caught by someone and never returned to flash. heartbroken, flash fled as far as she could and was found by the alliance cats.