
1 year, 6 months ago


Uses he/him pronouns and is gay

Design: Has lilac colored eyes with a hint of blue in his irises. Has a scar on his face that travels down his chin and ends at the end of his neck. He also has a scar on his shoulder down to his leg on the right side. It caused a bit of limp at first, that Aspen now does not have unless he walks for a long period of time as this leg is weaker then the rest.

Story: Lives in a poor village with his parents, who are often gone and when they are there, they verbally abusive him. Has an older brother who was the only cat who treated him as a person, but left the village to become a knight. In doing of his family's actions, Aspen has depression and anxiety plus very low self-confidence issues. This is seen mainly in his scars. He got them from a fire when he was like 6 or 7 and is why his parents treat him like crap. His village often looked at his scars and talked behind his back, causing Aspen to try and hide his scars or himself. Aspen desperately wants to see his brother and stay with him in the capital, but it is a treacherous and costly journey. However, once Aspen meets a half-demon cat, he makes a deal with him to travel him safely to his brother's location and Aspen will, along the way, help the half-demon become full demon. On their journey, they both learn to love themselves and grow closer. In the end they fall in love, despite it being against both of their societies' views on each other. Of course, they first both deny their feelings and then try and hide it from each other. But by the end of their journey they realize they need each other and don't want to lose one another and become a couple.