Cute Bunny



1 year, 4 months ago



Cute Bunny is a meme character unrelated to the stories and universes I've made. He's also called "CB" for short

He is that character that saves you when you are at your lowest point, ready to give up on life. You cry in the rain, falling to the ground, desperately trying to find reasons to keep going. It keeps getting bleaker and soon you accept that there is no other path left for you, other than to see God and await judgement.

But here comes Cute Bunny. He looks at you in the rain. He may not know you, but he knows this isn't you. He knows deep down there is a person with purpose and reason, as he believes in all people. You look into his bright beady eyes and suddenly, you feel hope again. You remember that you still have a purpose in this life and you can't give up here. CB reaches for you with his bulgy muscular hand and you take it, as you both run towards the inevitable, stonger than before, and ready to give it your all.



- Cute Bunny has a very fit and muscular humanoid body with a cute baby rabbit's face. He is all pink except for his cotton tail, which is white. His eyes are red and has even pinker blush. His nipple and crotch area is usually covered by something like a glow or an object, thus creating an aura of mystery around them.

- CB has a very jock-ish personality, such as working out constantly and getting pumped when something exciting is going on. He also likes to encourage the woodland creatures healthy eating habits (despite the fact that he avidly smokes weed and vape), routine exercise and treating others with respect and compassion.

- He also has two pets named Catan and Cute Puppy. They look like this:


Cute Bunny also has an Ascended Form, where he sprouts large wings and a halo, reminiscent of an Angel. In this form, he becomes all powerful, as he serves as the guardian of the magical creatures of the forest.

 It looks like this:
