Nagisa Fujishiro



1 year, 5 months ago


NOTE: This character page contains fiction that has mentions of slight mental health problems, bullying at school as well as a minor character death of a family member: please proceed to browse the following tabs with caution.

藤代 渚

Nagisa Fujishiro
Nagisa Nakamura


October 3 / 20


She / Her

5'2" / 157CM

Mangaka Fujio (藤尾)


Kana Hanazawa Sample I / Sample II


Drag Day Wave

Ironic The True Blue

Boyhood Ashley Alisha ft. Heyden

Don't Know Why Kana Hanazawa


Having fought tooth and nail to become a successful romance mangaka, Nagisa still suffers from low self-esteem: a relic from her past. Being the former president of the anime and manga club at her highschool gave her a repuation that she can't rid herself of, and despite her hopes of potentially making friends with similar interest, it instead backfired and made her a renown otaku which most students avoided. With the lack of new members joining the club, she was convinced by her homeroom teacher to become the volleyball team's manager instead.

While she is plagued with a bad case of impostor syndrome as an adult — even dubbing herself a 'perpetual side character' — over time she learns to allow and prioritize herself to step into the spotlight of the 'main character' for once in her life.


  • Video Games, Anime & Manga - anything remotely nerdy.
  • Homemade Cooking & Tonkatsu
  • Emperor Penguins & Jellyfishes
  • Merchandise & Collectibles

  • Exercising During Summer
  • Losing Sense of Direction
  • The Feeling of Nostalgia
  • Chaos & Disorderliness


Nagisa doesn't think highly of herself despite her obvious accomplishments. Feelings of self-doubt and personal inadequacy that persist despite her education, experience and achievements are accentuated through her internalized fear regardless of external evidence of her competence, making it easy for her to believe that she doesn't deserve success or luck, and incorrectly feels as if she is not as intelligent as she outwardly portrays herself to be. This naturally results in strained personal relationships, hindering her from achieving her full potential.

In spite of that, Nagisa still retained a gentle side and often treats those around her with a lot more kindness than she would otherwise for herself. She's shown to be efficient and stubborn, traits which she shares with her mother: a high-achiever of sorts and fiercly competitive.

Positive Traits

open-minded, adaptable, mellow, warm, loyal, earnest, compassionate, diligent, reliable, punctual, modest

Negative Traits

self-critical, impulsive, anxious, gullible, regretful, naive, melancholic, opportunistic, stubborn, sensitive










⠀I'm okay with being the perpetual side character, which makes living through my characters all the more important for me. I hope to comfort someone who's going through the same feeling with my stories. To give them an outlet like so many have done for me before.⠀


Nagisa seems to really enjoy One Piece, Chainsaw Man and Jujutsu Kaisen.
Although she does so rarely nowadays, she's perfectly capable of cooking.
She is sometimes commissioned for character designs, but mainly draws comics.
In regards to video games, Nagisa is a average player but surprisingly competitive.
She doesn't mind reading or hearing about horror, but doesn't like watching and playing it.
Nagisa is a big fan of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy games, particularly KH2 and FFX.
While it's nothing she likes to particularly brag about, she has a huge collection of Gunpla.
She tried to wear contact lenses in the first two weeks of highschool but continuously lost them. Eventually she decided that her glasses were probably for the best.
Nagisa was, among other things, often teased for her height. That paired with her youthful appearance often caused her to get called a child, which used to upset her the most. She's thus vehement about appearing mature and sophisticated, though was fortunate to have grown a little since then.


Nagisa Fujishiro was born and raised in Konohana-ku, Osaka by a single mother, having lost her father to a brain tumor when she was merely three years old. Although Nagisa claims to have been too young to remember him, she does and dearly misses him. To an extent, her pretending not to know him was a way for her to indirectly relief her mother of any additional stressors.

Despite lacking a father figure in her life, her mother cared deeply when it came to giving her daughter a fulfilling childhood. After retiring from her work as a chef in order to dedicate her time to Nagisa, she took on the job as a PR manager and mainly works from home, which in turn meant that the two were pretty much inseperable for most of Nagisa's early life. Her mother would encapsulate her whole world at that point, closely followed by something else that has proven to become her comfort for many years to come: anime and manga.

A city girl through and through, Nagisa had grown accustomed to blending in with the crowd within Osaka, something that indirectly contributed to her rather lonely social circle throughout the entirety of her kindergarten up to her middle school years. She usually had one to two friends at most, and each time they graduated, they go their separate ways. It's a unfortunate, vicious cycle that Nagisa desperately wanted to break out of, and such a opportunity was given to her when she enrolled into a highschool outside her hometown.

With no one being able to put a face to her name, Nagisa had the chance of starting with a blank slate — even going out of her way to check whether they allowed the procedure of hairdye, which Nagisa happily jumped on upon confirmation. No longer held back by possible prejudice and judgement, Nagisa made it her goal to fully embrace herself and to hopefully find long-term friends who share similar interests. It's only after she went through dyeing her hair a faded shade of pastel pink to honor her at the time favorite magical girl character, that Nagisa would learn how much of a mistake this had been.

Promptly after entering the premises of her new highschool, Nagisa not only stood out like a sore thumb, but she was immediately tripped by another freshman. Not one to let such an experience sour her entire year however, Nagisa still followed through with her original plan and sought out the faculty room to form the anime and manga club. Things went smoothly so far, as long as she managed to find more members before the end of the month. This had proven to be difficult however, and words were spreading quickly. It didn't take long until the entirety of the school had reduced her to a mere otaku, resulting in some fairly unpleasant interactions between her and some classmates of hers.

Nagisa's aim to make likeminded friends had backfired, and to say that this entire ordeal wasn't exhausting would've been an understatement with just how much it drained her usual optimism. With the closure of the anime and manga club, she was fortunate enough to have been approached by none other than one of the most popular boy in high school, who invited her to join the volleyball club instead. With a little consultation from her homeroom teacher, she was eventually convinced to join and officially became the team's manager.

The very same boy that had invited Nagisa — who turned out to be Tomoya — slowly but surely became a comforting lighthouse among a foggy sea, and she was quick to fall for him like most of the other girls at their school. It's safe to say that Tomoya was her first crush, yet with how inexperienced she truthfully was with romantic feelings of any kind at that point, she had no issues stamping them off as simple admiration and small infatuation. That aside, Tomoya always felt out of reach for her and she seemed perfectly fine just being his friend for as long as he'll have her.

Despite the teasing, and borderline bullying in some instances, Nagisa felt a sense of reassurance in drawing and consolation around Tomoya, who made things more bearable for her. It was after she turned sixteen years old however, that her life trajectory would take a big turn.

Tomoya moved away, and while not necessarily convenient, Nagisa still always made the long trips to visit him and his family. This, added with the remarriage of her mother came at a time where Nagisa's small passion for art would eventually become something bigger, and she started to create drafts and concepts for stories in her freetime, which she would send to publishing companies in hopes of hopefully kickstarting her eventual career as a Mangaka.

The remarriage of her mother came at a perfect time too, as with her kind stepfather also came the addition of two equally friendly stepsiblings who she now shares a surprisingly nurturing bond with. It was thanks to their continued encouragement and aid that Nagisa would finally find a company willing to publish her stories.

Her dream was coming into fruition, and all it required was for her to move to Tokyo. With nothing to keep her, she pursued this path and left her old life behind, and while that in of itself wasn't a sacrifice, it instead came in the form of separation as she gradually lost contact with Tomoya once her studies and work had started to pick up steam.

Many words were left unsaid between her and her at the time only friend and first crush, which among other things were one of Nagisa's many regrets.


Nagisa is currently residing in Yotsuya — a neighborhood in Shinjuku, Tokyo. She managed to graduate a year earlier with honors in finance and is now actively working as a successful romance Mangaka, going by the name of 'Fujio'. Her debut shoujo manga 'Tastes Like Soda Pop' kickstarted her career and lasted for about 23 volumes until it's well received finale. Her current work 'Monochrome Seasons' is still in developement and leans more towards the josei genre.

As of now, Nagisa has four active assistants that help with her manga who, along with Nagisa's editor, also occasionally look after her well being.

(Assistants + Editor are a WIP and belong to my friends! They'll be added in properly once they're finalized.)


NOTE: Some character portraits act as temporary placeholders!
Futaba Fujishiro (双葉 藤代)

Nagisa shares a strong bond with Futaba and often even refers to her as her best friend.

Their relationship is thus very nurturing, even if Futaba is prone to teasing Nagisa at times.

Daisuke Nakamura (大輔 中村)

They have a respectable friendship. While it took longer until she accepted him as a father, he remained patient and understanding of her stance on him.

Daisuke eventually would become the grounding force that Nagisa desperately needed and even become the person she seeks out when she's in need of genuine advice.

Editor-san (OC by Michii - WIP)

Suspendisse vulputate felis a velit ultricies porttitor. Suspendisse maximus maximus metus id lacinia. Nam commodo tempor nulla, mattis lacinia eros tristique vel. Maecenas dolor sapien, tempus in mauris eu, consectetur iaculis odio. Fusce cursus fringilla orci, et luctus nisi. In rutrum purus sed ipsum consectetur, sit amet ornare urna rutrum. Vestibulum id dapibus nibh, sit amet pharetra felis. In non urna erat.

────────── ・ ・ ꕤ・ ・ ──────────
Old Character Information - Jun 26, 2016

FROM JUN 26, 2016 — Shiraishi High: Roleplay Group
Original Creation Date: Jun 26, 2016
Name: Nagisa Fujishiro
Age: Fifteen
Date of Birth: October Third
Gender: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Ethnicity: Japanese
Height | Weight: 5'2" | 130lbs
Year: First
Class: 1-A
Club: Anime/Manga Club President (former), Volleyball Manager
Part-time Job: Waitress
Voice: s ✩ r a m i n
Hair Color: Brown (former) Pink (current)
Eye Color: Hazel Brown
Nagisa's appearance before dying her hair was simple: tie up her brown hair into a ponytail and wear her usual black thin-rimmed glasses. There as well used to be a short period in which she would mainly wear contact lenses, though after ending up constantly losing them she is now rarely seen with those at school.
After her make over, she's now seen with pink hair and pigtails. The hair color was inspired by the heroine of her favorite cartoon, which she still watches in her spare time. Nagisa is also usually seen with the Shirashi High uniform, her favorite pair of striped stockings and also her favorite vest, which she wears around her hips in summer.

Likes | Dislikes:
+ visiting shrines, trying new food places, eating delicious food, cooking for others, beef based dishes
— unconsciously getting lost, exercising in summer, feeling sentimental or lonely when talking about her mother

+ optimistic, literally radiates good vibes / modest, prefers to not attract any attention / diligent, likes to do her best in everything she does especially when it comes to cooking / innocent, almost child-like
— insecure, about what others may think of her / easily embarrassed, when it comes to awkward confrontations and compliments / worry head / curious, may become noisy.

Nagisa is somewhat shy and reserved when having to talk with someone she barely knows, though after warming up to them her optimism and child-like nature becomes more visible. Her childish behavior however isn't much of a problem, though sometimes tending to be a airhead and dig around in peoples business instead of minding her own. Despite her insecurities of being misunderstood by others, she worries a lot about her friends. Even if they're just not feeling to well or haven't gotten the chance to eat their breakfast, she'd without a doubt give them her vest or give them half of her lunch to make them feel better. Nagisa truly loves her mother and sometimes feels lonely at school when she thinks about her. It doesn't happen often, but since her mother has a stubborn and diligent nature, it seems her daughter has inherited the same trait as she always feels like she has to improve.

Nagisa grew up in Osaka, where she spent most of the time of her childhood. Her father passed before she was even born which gave her mother all the responsibility. Though since Nagisa has never met him in the first place, it wasn't much of a huge deal for her at all. As time flew by, she learned early on how to take care of the household and even learned to cook by her mother who didn't only study at a culinary school, but also used to work as a well known cook at a three star restaurant, who because of the pregnancy and the fact that she had to focus on taking care of her child, quit her job and now works as a popular food blogger online.
Nagisa always used to be the smallest at school, which led the others to sometimes tease her in a friendly manner if she were a lost child. Aside from that, she didn't stand out much from the others. She of course had a small group of friends, which after some time broke apart as they all decided to go different paths because of their different choice in schools. Now that Nagisa has decided to enroll in Shiraishi High, she spent her vacation preparing herself to become more remarkable and noticeable. This led her to dye her hair pink, which was inspired by the heroine of a cartoon she used to watch a lot as a child. To her luck, she even grew a bit.

- Has a tendency to stare at thing she admires, such as figurines of the cartoon she used to watch as a kid.
- She prefers watching anime and reading manga on weekends, since it may get in her way of studies.
- Shares a strong bond with her mother, and even spends most of her free time with her.