


1 year, 5 months ago


You are gonna go far kid

"People say it’s a gift, for me it’s a curse"

name: Anubis
nickname: Ani
age: uknown
gender: uknown/non-binary
species: Lobyrith
orientation: uknown 
relationship status: taken

The god of death, one of few gods who was once a mortal. He is also last known Lobyrith to *technically* live.   


Anubis is this type of person who will always look at you like you were his biggest enemy. It’s his way to show he might think he is better than everyone else, but he doesn’t actually thinks that. Anubis always tries to prove he is something, even after taking the role of god of death, he still thinks he is just a backup plan, just because the original goddess of death was banished. 

He gets aggresive easily, it doesn’t take much time to make him attack you. Because of that, he is usually rude to others, but usually he tries to avoid people. Anubis definitely prefers to keep things to himself, he doesn’t trust anyone, even tho he can be painfully honest about opinions, he can clearly lie about his life just to get away.







  • Flying
  • Reading
  • Lamps
  • Fetheriths
  • Wars
  • His job

  • He can control how tall he is. He usually stays medium sized, but he wants to scare someone, he becomes huge
  • He was good at painting, but decided to more focus on training fighting
  • he doesn’t remember how his parents looked like
Design Notes

  • Usual height: 2,72 m
  • Usual wings spam: 42 m
  • Usual length: 5,40 m

Anubis is black with golden markings looking scales all over his body. His feathered bat wings are huge compared to his body, which makes him a very fast flier. 

Anubis has long muzzle, golden eyes, also long, black horns and long body. Just a long noodle with long wings.

Feathers are only on his back legs and wings.



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Theia Mentor

Theia was the one who favourited Anubis since he was born. As the goddess of death, she could say things to his ear and get away with it, slowly manipulating him so he could end up like he did. She was also the one to hand him a very powerful artefact that would give him another life and power compared to the one gods have.
After all, when she started the war between two kingdoms and was banished to live as a mortal without memory of her previous life, Theia was the one to request Anubis as the next god of death.

Kazuha Adoptive father

Anubis always had a complicated relationship with Kazuha. He was responsible for Anubis’ parents death and never really believed him when he was telling that he was just doing orders and regretted attacking that village. Kazuha was always strict parent and leader but in good way, he was always supportive and never got mad over little things. Kazuha was old when he adopted Anubis, for some reason he could never have dragonets so Anubis was his “miracle baby”, so he cared very much about his son. By adopting Anubis, Kazuha technically saved his life from being murdered like the rest of Lobyriths. When he was left with decision of saving either his father or two whole kingdoms, he would easily pick his father, yet Kazuhiro made him go away and let him die. Part of him broke and stayed broken when Kazuha died.

Lilly Lover

Lilly had a special place in Anubis’ heart, even tho he never admitted it. We could say they were unofficial lovers, as they were two generals technically not allowed to have a mate, so their relationship was a secret. She loved Anubis so much, even tho she got the role thru very hard work and Anubis got it just because his adoptive father was the current ruler. Always adored him and was his great friend in public, Anubis saw her the same way. Until Apollo threatened him to reveal  their secret and the fact Lilly suddenly had an egg that was Anubis’, he stopped pretending like he never loved her and would do everything for her. Part of him broke and stayed broken when she was killed.