
1 year, 5 months ago



Leader of Squad Delta

A former Autobot, now Decepticon, who seems to hold a craving for carnage that rivals Megatron's


Never stop for jaywalkers, they're committing a crime!






Story Role

Main Character + Villain




Equivalent to early 30s








Squad leader



Voice Claim

Homelander - The Boys


Life Itself - Glass Animals


Extrovert Introvert
Sensing Intuition
Thinking Feeling
Judging Perceiving
Neutral Evil

At just a glance, Hotspur seems to be a charismatic, effeminate, and sarcastic bot. He makes a lot of jokes and acts fairly light hearted for decepticon, however spending more then 5 minutes in a conversation with him will make anyone quickly realize why he has such a dreadful reputation. He is deeply narcissistic and psychotic, seeming to show no signs of empathy. He is incredibly brutal and aggressive, with most people accurately describing him as severely sadistic. He can snap at the drop of a pen, and those episodes can range from a hollow, lifeless glare, to an early grave. He is manipulative, sociopathic, and uses others only for his own gain. Once someone has lost their use to him, he drops them like they never meant anything to begin with.

Positive Traits

  • Charismatic
  • Determined
  • Intelligent

Neutral Traits

  • Narcissistic
  • Effeminate
  • Enigmatic

Negative Traits

  • Impatient
  • Sadistic
  • Abusive



Cactired (TH) + Me





Colours and Notes

  • Ref tba
  • "Megatron" License Plate
  • Headlights on chest are pop-ups

Time on Cybertron

When Hotspur was made by Primus he looked quite different to the way he does now, he was a lot heavier set, and was given a job as a construction worker among the lower classes. In a stroke of luck, he was able to mostly avoid the Southern parts of Cybertron by doing his contruction and repairs in the North instead. This doesn't mean his working condistions were easy, but all he had known in his life was work so it didn't quite bother him. He would occasionally encounter higher or middle class citizens of Cybertron who seemed to only encourage him in thinking that his way of living was just how his life was meant to go. At the time he felt like he was nothing special, another nameless bot who was lucky siply to work someplace where his life and parts weren't at risk. However, this changed the day he met a high class government official named Chromeray.

Chromeray said he admired Hotspur's strength, resiliance, and build. He offered an "under the radar deal", proposing that Hotspur would become his own personal gladiator, and in exchange Hotspur could live with him a lead a fufilling, healty, and enriched life. Hotspur was persuaded by all of those things, but the true point that brought him to agree was the promise Chromeray gave to him; to give him a name. It was then at his agreement that he was dubbed Hotspur, and began his life as a gladiator. Chromeray made a lot of modifications to Hotspur in order to either make him stronger or more visually appealing, and this is when Hotspur came to posses his now iconic red color. However, Chromeray placed an extreme weight on Hotspur appearence, whihcalso caused him to develop a complex about it. He fought valiantly, but found himself more miserable than he had been before. Chromeray pulled a lot of strings to make as much money as he could off of Hotspur, and a lot of the time the matches he fought were preplanned, although Hotspur knew nothing of this. Constantly being beaten and battered, and threatened by Chromeray if he tried to not participate in a match.

There was one fateful match that really turned Hotspur's opinion of Chromeray for the worse, he discovered Chromeray was goign to pin him into a fight with the undefeated champion Megatronus with the intent of betting against Hotspur and getting him killed in the process. Hotspur was able to escape the inevitable death that would've been that match, but it came at a cost. To "prevent him from talking back any more", Chromeray removed Hotspur's lower jaw which severely inhibited the capabilites of his voicebox. He looked and felt revolting, he was performing worse in fights for awhile, barely scraping by in fact. The turning point for this is when a gladiator he was fighting insulted his missing jaw, calling his ugly, disgusting, and a failed attempt to look high class. He lashed out in a way that was never seen from him before, tearing his opponent apart limb from limb in a horrificly violent and animalistic way. This would eb the frist of his appearence induced meltdowns, something that follows him for the rest of his life.

When Megatron took over the gladitorial arena matches were less brutal and betting began to slow in lew of the actual care for the gladiators' health. Chromeray was slowly festering a disinterest in Hotspur as he wasn't making him as much money. However, in light of the brewing war Hotspur happened across an autobot medic. He hadn't been particularly aligned to either side (though would have been ascenticon leaning), but the autobot offered to fix his jaw and give him proper rights if he joined and fought for them. While it couldn've been another dumb mistake, Hotspur simply desparetly wanted to escapre Chromeray's clutches and so he joined them.

Hotspur fought alongside the autobots for the whole time the war was on cybertron although at many points felt he was fighting either on the wrong side or for a war that was ultimately useless when it accomplished the opposite of what both sides wanted. He stayed complacent for the sake of simplicity, but a dsitate began to slowly brew inside of him the longer he spent on the side of the autobots. By the time cybertron was being destroyed and bots were evacuating in masses, Hotspur jumed onto a ship with a few of his friends and went into stasis for a very long time. Eventually, the ship landed on earth, which would awaken him and take him to the next chapters of his life where he would truly become the sadistic monster he is now known to be.

Story Timeline

Either I'm god, or truth is relative.




The majority of Hotspur's time spent as an autobot on Earth was a blur to him. He was growing slowly more deranged and short tempered, having to hids his full on meltdowns behind closed doors. He had friends, ones that cared very deeply for him, even one that some considered him to be in a borderline relationship with, but he slowly began to detest them all over time. They would make entirely harmless jokes about each other, but every time one was aimed at Hotspur it caused him to grow further apart from them. His narcissism allowed for no critiques on his appearence regardless of how harmless tehy may have been. He also greatly detested the superiority complex many autobots had, it drove him up the wall seeing how they preached peace and equality but perpetuated a war that should've ended lightyears ago.

The Firework Show Massacre

It was New Years Eve and Hotspur and Hooktrap had decided to go to their favorite hangout spot, a cliff overlooking a city, to watch the firework display that would happen. It was nothing more then their casual conversation for awhile, but it slowly got on the deeper side as they spoke about their opinions of the war and hopes for the future. In an attempt to lighten the mood after a particulary heavy comment, Hooktrap made a small joke about Hotspur's paintjob. For whatever reason, that was the breaking point. Before Hooktrap could even react, Hotspur stabbed his hand into Hooktrap's ve, Hotspur decided it was now or never and that he'd take his revenge on all of the friends that had slowly grown onto his nerves over the years. He feigned being hurt and called in for backup, then cut his comms line. Hornblower was the first to come to his aid, as they were taken aback by Hooktrap's corpse he took the chance to attack them. He severely wounded them, and then forced them to call in specifically for Treadmark, who was someone else he held a strong grudge against. After they did, he crushed their voicebox. Treadmark arrived mere minutes before the rest of the backup would, and Hotspur killed him by shooting him and kicking him off of the cliffside. After that, he drove off. His broken comm linnk made it excessively difficult to track him, and he was able to find and join the decepticons before the autobots even had a chance to think about locating him for revenge.


Breaklight Partnership

Hotspur spent the first few years as a decepticon slowly earning the respect (and fear) of others, as well as trust from the upper ranks. He began to get paired with partners, and after awhile of this he was paried with a bot named Breaklight. Breaklight had just been apart of an unfortunate circumstance where his old partner, and now ex boyfriends, had betrayed the decepticons. Hotspur was already familiar with Breaklight and the two of them knew this partnership was going to be especially miserable. And it was, they butted heads constantly and seemed to get less done together than they had apart.

Squad Delta Formation

After awhile of their dysfunctional partnership, Megatron decided to try something new with Hotspur and Breaklight. They were made to be apart of a unique squad, which was dubbed "Squad Delta". Hotspur was named the 'leader' of the squad, while Breaklight was the weapons expert. The team was rather large, and it took them awhile to get to know the other members. To notbody's surprise, it was extremely dysfunctional at first. They got things done, but the was they executed missions was extremely disorderly at first and most of the group members didn't get along. After a few Orbital cycles they began to adjust to each other though. The team is certainly no less dysfunctional, and there's more infighting between them than the entirity of the rest of the decepticons there, but they're mostly successful in their missions and have prooved to be a success.

Finding Shortcircuit

Hotspur was on a mission to inspect a potential energon location, but due to an error with the groundbridge had to travel there himself. It wasn't extremely far from the ship, but on his way there he just so happened to run into an extremely damaged autobot. One he recognized, in fact. Shortcircuit was a two-wheeler who he knew but was never particularly close with, however he had been quite the use to the autobots because he possessed the ability to connect to any comm system that wasn't blocked by a signal scrambler. He had just been hit by an actual car and practically torn to pieces by it, out of the 'kindness of his heart' Hotspur plucked him up and took him back to the decepticon ship for repairs. Shortcircuit became something of his possession after that point, definetly not a decepticon by choice but also not allowed to leave. Hotspur has been mentally and physically tormenting Shortcircuit since this point in order to force a codependancy on him, and uses Shortcircuit's abilities for his own gain. (Often, completely detatched from the actual decepticon cause).

Character Development

On Cybertron

Biggest Strength Adaptibility
Biggest Weakness Naiveness
Alignment Neutral Good

Hotspur genuinely used to mean no harm to others. For the longest time he lived in ignorance to the war, and a lot of the severe conditions that took place in the south. Even as a nameless construction worker he found his mundane and work filled life still worth living because he didn't know much of the middle or higher caste lifestyles. He made close relationships with others in the lower caste and had real friends he cared for. However, he was also very naive which led to him being taken advantage of by Chromeray. Chromeway's abuse and his time in the gladiator ring would slowly drive him to madness.


Biggest Strength Resiliance
Biggest Weakness Narcissism
Alignment Chaotic neutral

Hotspur's time spent as an autobot on Earth was greatly affected by his years spent under Chromeray's abuse. Even having escaped him he found himself perpetuating the self depricating mindset Chromeray had pushed onto him which developed into severe Narcissism as well as a mental decline. He began to become extremely mentally unstable, however he was able to keep this mostly behind closed door which prevented others from noticing or trying to help him. This mental decline eventually ended in him turning on the friends he had made and becoming the bot he's known as today.


Biggest Strength Intelligence
Biggest Weakness Narcissism
Alignment Neutral Evil

As a decepticon, Hotspur began to let his true colors as a sociopathic, narcissistic, scumbag really shine through. He stopped taking shit from anyone, and despite his seemingly optimistic and happy-go-lucky demeanor he's aggressive when provoked and quickly gained a reputation worth fearing. He no longer holds sentimental value to others and only sees them as a means of getting what he wants, any 'friend' he has is just a possession in his eyes. He's a deeply troubled and broken man, which has led him to become the monster he is today.














Front Line Offense


Hand to Hand combat


Long Range Explosives

Main Weapon


Hotspur is able to transform his forearms into long blades like many other cybertronians. He utilizes this with extreme skill, stabbing, slicing, and gutting his opponents. He is especially well versed in using the blade to pry off large chunks of the opponent's armor.

Secondary Weapon


While not his first choice as Hotspur prefers to be up close and personal when attacking others, Hotspur can also turn his forearms into guns. He prioritizes aim when using guns and doesn't rapid fire shoot unless he has a very clear shot. He's good at utilizing his surroundings with guns, like shooting the supports of large objects or buildings.

Hand to Hand Combat

Mastery Level: 10

Hotspur is incredible at hand to hand combat, his time in the gladiator ring certainly helped attribute to this. He's quick on his feet and a very hard hitter, he knows how to make it hurt and good god will he.


Skill Level: 7

Hotspur knows how to handle the majority of weapons you throw to him. Swords, axes, guns, blunt weapons, he doesn't consider any of them to be difficult to use. However, he always prioritized up close combats without weapons or disarming his foes therefor his mastery with weapons is overall lesser than with his fists.



Breaklight is the closest thing to Hotspur's second in commands, being an extremely brash weapons expert that takes no shit from anyone. Hotspur sees use in his presence, but doesn't like him beyond the firepower he has to offer the team. For the most part they argue and fight, it is very rare they get along.

Short Circuit

ShortCircuit isn't a friend or even an equal to Hotspur, merely a poseesion which he utilizes for his own plans. He severely mentally abuses Shortcircuit to keep him from disobeying his orders and keep him dependant. He is uncharacteristically praising and affection to Shortcircuit, but this is only so he can take advantage of his abilitie.


Starscream is yet another bot that Hotspur acts affectionate and kindly towards, but it's only with intention to use him. He's always been aware of Starscream's desire to be respected and appreciated, and he uses this against him while Starscream is in charge to become romantically affiliated with him and have more say in what happens in the ship. Their relationship ultimately means nothing to him beyond the power it provides him.


Hornblower was a 'friend' of Hotspur's while he was an autobot, but since destroying their voice box, killing 2 of their mutual friends, and becoming a decepticon, it's safe to say they're no longer on speaking terms. Hotspur iroincally doesn't hold much of any grudge to Hornblower, and speaks to them with a condescendingly friendly tone when they're both on the battlefield.



  • Drive in movie theatres
  • Firework shows
  • Cats


Duty Artifact retrieval

Pass time Buffing himself

Colour Red

Team member Short Circuit


  • Peregrine
  • Scratching his paint
  • Mud

Least Favourite...

Duty Energon Scouting

Pass Time Teamsitting

Colour Green

Team Member Kickblast


  • Enjoys teasing and flirting with others
  • He has the password to the autobot's netflix account
  • When he was an autobot he had a human companion that he fell on and killed


Life Itself
Glass Animals

Drink To Me

The TV Made Me Do It
Moon Walker