


8 years, 8 months ago


Name : Kelly Ashes Vulcanao (but just "Kelly" is fine !)

Age : Young adult

Gender : Female, but she's fine with any pronoun

Species : Kelki (vilhoadopts)

Status : Civilized Kelki

Personality : Outgoing, friendly, talkative, honest. Kelly is not too sensitive and can even be tough sometimes toward others, moreover she has no difficulties expressing herself : if she's sad she'll say it, if she's happy she'll yell it out loud everywhere as well ! She's very extrovert. She tends to speak too loud too, she doesn't hear herself well. She's quite open to talk about everything and nothing, however she doesn't like to be contradicted and will defend her point of view quite aggressively.

Bio : Kelly is a civilized Kelki, she lives in a lil city, which she loves. She's a merchant, she sells accessories and is specialized in jewelry, ribbons and hats. She also likes helping the farmers who live just next to her store. She loves to walk around in the city, even if she loves nature of course, she also loves city life. She doesn't like reading at all, and thus can't read very well, though she loves maths and loves to compute random numbers and all ! She often says weird numerical stuffs at complete random in the middle of conversations or even when she's alone... She's known to be a bit weird in town xD
She has got a secret admiration for Dragon Kelki, her dream is to meet one !