

1 year, 6 months ago




Tamiyo Edwards | Strangers

You do not know this girl, but she has your full attention now. Your eyes just naturally gravitate towards her due to her extremely loud sense of style. She kind of looks intimidating at first, but you lock eyes and she greets you with a big smile, showing off her smily piercing and pristine teeth. She waves, and you wave back. Someone walks past you, towards the direction of this random stranger. As you watch them hig and chat, the realization that she was not waving to you kicks in, and the embarrassment takes over.


Nick Reyes | Acquaintances

You've seen them in passing many times. Somehow you just keep running into eachother. A coincidence? Maybe. But this time it's a blessing. Just when you were starting to believe today just isn't your day, hunched beside your car inspecting your flat tire as the sun's rays violently attack your skin. Your curse at your past self. Your phone is dead, and of course it's the one day you don't bring a car charger. All of a sudden, someone pulls in the shoulder with you. A mix of curiosity and dread engulfs you. Who could it be? A savior? Another unfortunate soul? Someone you should be running from? To your surprise, a friendly face steps out the car and you're immediately put to rest, knowing you're in good hands.


Roman Burns | Cousins/Strangers

You didn't know this guy's name until now, (taking his order), but you are friends apparently. His approachable nature immediately releases any doubt you have about this newfound friendship. The more you talk to him, the more it seems like you've known him for all your life. He listens attentively everytime you speak and always has something interesting to add and continue the conversation. In mere minutes, you're bumped up from friend to cousin status, despite the fact that you look nothing alike, and your chances of being related are very slim. He only reffers to you as "cuz" from here on out. Then he looks at his watch, shocked at how fast time had passed. 16 hours. You've been talking for 16 hours. The line of customers has wrapped around the block 3 times over before your manager walked back in, fuming. You may have been fired that day, but have made a new friend.