hihi i really love this bab and https://toyhou.se/14228081.guppy , would anyone on Xelqua interest you for either of them? :0

anyone in here you're interested in? https://toyhou.se/peepawcow/characters

I'd honestly love either https://toyhou.se/19853638.plenty-of-fish-in-the-sea#60172720 or https://toyhou.se/7980728.tbn#25820237 , whichever you feel you're less attached to!

I think I'll hold off given I have a big love for both of them, sorry ! I do hope your design finds a good home though !

In the future please make sure any characters that are off limits are specified as such or tagged accordingly. I was under the assumption that all of the listed characters were available since you did not specify! Thanks ^^

oh no they weren't offlimits in any capacity, I just feel too tentative to really give those two away, but it's fine, you're welcome though !

Anyone in


Or Funtimes

There are also characters in my unsorted!

sadly none catch my eye TvT

Could I offer 600 da pts?

minimum for this character i'm accepting is 1k ^^

Oh I’ll have to double check if I have enough!

Anyone in my th? 👀 Very tentative : mains