
1 year, 9 months ago



Name Teme
Nickname Ange
Age 23
Pronouns She/her
Height 5'6
Species sandsnake dragonborne
Occupation queen
Voice Info


Teme is an albino sandsnake dragonborne. Due to her condition, she wasnt able to stay in the sun for long, which was obviously a problem, seeing as her and her tribe lived in the desert. She often felt left out, or like a burden to the rest of the tribe, due to her having to take special measures to make sure she didnt get her sensative scales sunburned. She didnt manage to make many friends due to this, as she wasnt able to go out on adventures with the rest of the children in the clan, meaning a natural devide formed as they got older and more independent, while teme was forced to stay behind. One person that stuck by her side was her friend Ki'iva, who she treasured dearly.

One day, the tribe was approached by men in armour. They were told of a war between a war between two kingdoms, and that the and they stood on now was owned by the queen. One of the queen's men, wanting to bring back a souvenir from her new territory, picked out young Teme, due to her unique colouring. At the age of 14 she was taken by ship to the foreign land where the armoured men had come from. She was given an honourary title of the "queens advisor", and a monthly wage. Part of her wage was automatically sent to her family back in the desert- at least, that's what she was told, and she believed. As she grew older, she grew into her role too. Her role as the queens advisor became less honourary, and more of an actual, full time job. She guided the queen with her counsel on all matters from foreign policy, to personal matters of the household, and performed other menial tasks around the kingdom. This meant she was involved in a lot of more of the "classified" affairs in the kingdom. She learned how everything was connected in the kingdom, and how to keep the very fragile balance that kept eveything afloat.

Eventually, more and more of the work of managing and running the kingdom was pushed onto her. All decisions were almost entirely hers, with only ocassional opinions coming from the queen. Their roles had pretty much reversed, with teme doing most of the work, and slapping the queen's name on the end of letters, or decrees to give them "legitimacy". The only thing that hadnt changed was their quality of life. Teme was still regarded as an errand girl by some, and at lowest, a pet by others, despite her role in running the kingdom. She thought this unfair, and decided that if she was going to do the queen's job, she might as well just take it. She made a plot to kill the queen and any heir's the crown would fall on, so it would naturally pass down to her, as the next closest person to her.

In her quest to set this plan into motion, she recruited a catfish-bear known as Machae, who was infamous for his taste of royal flesh- he was perfect. To him, she posed it as a way to get rid of the royals that treated the lower classes so badly. She made it seem like her goals were a noble conquest for equality, and better treatment of he people. In reality, this couldnt be further from the truth. She cared about neither of those things, but she'd heard Machae's story, and knew that was what the bear wanted to hear, to make him join her side.

When times got tough, though, and the queen was userped by a more dangerous foe, Teme was forced to flee the castle. Machae let her into his home, and from there, their relationship grew

  • dressing up
  • sugar
  • ballet
  • laziness
  • winter
  • vegetables

Teme is albino! As a general description, she has pure white scales, red "hair",and pinkish-red eyes. Her build is quite slender.
  • "Hair"
  • crop
  • clothes

Teme's hair is not actually hair. It is a plume of feathers that starts form the top of her head, runs down her neck, stops down her back, then continues down her tail.
  • her feathers and lashes are naturally white, not red, but she dyes them in order to not completely wash herself out.
  • some feathers that had recently grown out may not be dyed yet, so might peak through the rest of her plumage as white streaks

Teme does not have boobs! she is not a mammal! she does, however, have a crop, that sits at about the same place, and makes a mound on her chest that gives a similar sort of effect
  • the crop decreases and increases with size, depending on how much she'd had to eat that day

Teme dresses extravagantly. her style is soft, and pretty graceful.
  • dresses often feature chiffon and silk as main materials
  • dresses overly decorated, and ornate. bows,frills, and lace, and flowery embroidery are used to decorate
  • usually corsets, or ribbons are used to exentuate the waist. again, overly decorated

Her lover. At first, she only saw him as a pawn in her quest to get the crown, but after being around him for longer, she grew to love him, and found comfort in him. He helped her walls come down, and helped her be more open with her emotions. She adores him, though her actual goals contradict his.

Her dear childhood friend. She looks back fondly on their memories together, and appreciates all the things she did for her, to accomodate for her sensitive scales in the desert. She's proud of all of her accomplishment, and is one of her #1 supporters.

Teme's daughter with Machae. She tries her best to influence her well, and give her all the attention she can, partly fuelled by her own (pretty much) neglected childhood. Pretty much every spare second she has is spent on her- wether its reading to her, playing with her, feeding, washing, dressing, she fully devotes herself to her daughter, even if that means giving up other things she loves