Nikole's Comments

Nikole is so beautiful!!! I love that mysterious headshot you drew of her!! If you’re open for art trades one day I’d love a chance to draw her ❤️❤️

Thank you so much! I was actually planning on opening sketch art trades pretty soon (probably after Christmas 😭) so you can be on the lookout for that! 🥺

I will be!

She's sooo sweet 😭 The purples on her are so wonderful...

Thank u 💖💖💖 she's always been a blue/purple girl which is funny just cuz... those have always been my least favourite colours to use 😭💔 but I'll do it for her 

You picked purples that compliment her so well though 🥺 I am glad you kept her color scheme!!

Thank you so much!! 💘💖💖