CT-4917 / "Haze"



1 year, 6 months ago


Designation: CT-4917
Name: Haze
Assignment: 212th Attack Battalion

Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Asexual

General Information: Haze is generally seen as stoic and serious from outsiders, however he cannot hide how much he worries and cares about his brothers no matter what he may insist. His brothers mean everything to him, however he wants to be seen as an authority figure and does not want to acknowledge his softer side-- everyone knows about it regardless. If someone is even minor danger he gets nervous and tends to take the reins to avoid anyone getting severely injured. Those closest to him tend to tease him about this. 

History: WIP

Likes: WIP

Dislikes: WIP

Relationships: Considers Zip his kid brother despite them being around the same age; they are extremely close.

Armor: To match his birthmark, he leaves an empty stripe down the center of the painted parts of his armor | He paints his scars on his helmet as discipline and as a reminder and lesson to himself to not fuck up again