


1 year, 5 months ago


MaevenMaeEarth Nyanarr

Name Maeven
Age 23
Pronouns She/Her
Sexuality Undecided
Occupation Waitress
Hobbies Painting, Weaving
Likes Messy Crafts, Finger Painting, Foraging
Dislikes Minimalism, Spotless Perfection
Species Earth Nyanarr
World Gaidinia

Common - Earth
Masterlist Link

- Earth (Common)
Listed Traits:
- Pair of Antlers (Common)
- Flora growing in Tail and Ears (Earth - Common)
- Hooved Legs (Rare)
- Furred Legs (Rare)

Design Notes:
- Flora is optional
- Flora are poinsettas

Listed rarity is based on Element

Maeven grew up in a smaller family of many different sorts of arts. Music, Painting, and Crafting were all a part of her childhood and she would have it no other way. Her father wasn't around as often as she would have liked and her brother was much older than her, having already been a teenager when she was born. Due to this, she was closest with her mother, who was lucky enough to be able to have a studio at their home and loved to have Maeven around to either help her paint or to be inspired by her. While schooling was difficult for Maeven, she often stayed home and eventually her mother decided to take her out and begin to homeschool. It may not have been much since her mother had hardly finished school but the two of them always sat down together to try and figure it out. School was more second to Maeven's mother, though and she put a lot of emphasis on trying to give Maeven the passion for crafting. It wasn't for nothing, though. Maeven inherited her love for the messy sort of crafts from her mother- throwing aside perfectionism and care for the later mess that would have to be cleaned up, the fun was more important.

It wasn't until Maeven was older and had lost her paternal grandmother that she really began to understand why her mother had wanted so much for Maeven to have helped her with paintings that she would never sell. The memories tied to them dipping their hands and feet (well, hooves!) and dancing and throwing their hands around on the canvas were priceless memories that she would have a reminder of for as long as they had those canvases. It meant more than she had thought. It's not uncommon for Maeven and her mother to continue the tradition every time Maeven comes home.


I took Woolsy over after a friend could no longer take care of him due to health reasons, and really ever since, me and Woolsy have become inseparable! Who knew a Zemi could be such an amazing friend?
Woolsy - Pet

code by fesaher maybe allegedly