


1 year, 8 months ago


Born with a scowl on her face, Ma'lit'ia has never been a kind nor sociable Minoan. Most of her time as a small child, was spent devising the most efficient ways to construct traps for small critters. This developed into a love for tinkering, which guided her to the woods more often than not. 

She lives in a quaint house a mile or two from one of the Khiotho villages, preferring this to living around others. She is quite an avid drinker, though it takes quite a few to get her anywhere near tipsy. 

This Khiotho is extremely quick to anger, and it is best to stay on her.. less angry side, as she holds a nasty grudge. Many a minoan have been left less than happy after running into a disgruntled Ma'lit'ia on one of her rare trips to town and deciding to try their luck on whether or not the rumors were true. The rare times you will see her in a good mood, are in battle and when she is engaged in conversation with her spouse.