Anastasie Teilūn



1 year, 6 months ago


the runaway huppermage

as long as i have my heart and mind, i'll continue fighting for the dreams that keep us alive!
  • name: anastasie teilūn
  • gender: girl (she/her)
  • orient: biromantic
  • age: 11-13 (dob flovor 19th)
  • class: huppermage, astrub/amakna
  • alignment: chaotic good

whisked away from the huppermage academy at a young age, she doesn't even remember knowing another person of her kind. but she still loyally commits to learning her powers, being secretly taught by her mom in emelka. it's... a complicated and long story, really.
her main conflict and the driving force behind her story is the conflict between her heart and mind. obviously. she’s really studious and wants to know more about the world, and is naturally inclined towards learning more about her huppermage lineage and powers. she follows the precepts WAY too loyally. (like, it's REALLY not that serious) Which contrasts with what her HEART wants. which is yugo. poor girl has a crush on a guy who’ll never return her feelings, L LMAO
but. yeah! she's my blorbo. i love her. and she is currently on the run from brakmarian assassins who are way too obsessed with what her old mentor had going on in the huppermage academy. she is only 11 why is she going through the horrors.


  • yugo: childhood friend and crush. come ON we know this already. always loves talking to him and he's one of the few people who can keep up with her. they sillay.
  • ruel:
  • tristepin: LOVES messing with him (affectionately and silly.) i'll... write more here lol
  • amalia: a liiittle complicated? she has never hated her, but her crush on yugo always made her a little bitter, ever since she saw how she started accompanying them on their journey. but ana does look up to her, recognizing her intentions to help others.
  • eva: ana relates way too much to a teen 6 years older than her. the two tsukkomis of the group ^_^ eva feels a responsibility to look over ana, like a sister. (surely not compensating for anything, at least originally...)
  • adamaï: IMMEDIATELY connected with him. silly AND intelligent?! they discuss things for HOURS!! she's always wanted to know more about eliatropes and dragons and she loves telling him about her studies. anyways he has a crush on her and pushes himself to improve himself a bit because of her. raises many complications.
  • joris: "holy SHIT is that a huppermage? NOT in hiding? what is going on. i'm taking you in" kind of deal, yeah. remember this is separate from wakfu/dofus canon so they're still in hiding, and joris meeting ana is kinda what kickstarts them coming back into the public. better teaches her about herself and reveals a lot of answers to her questions, as does she to him. not close, but mentor-ish.
  • erfi: erfi is doing the "hunting down the dumb runaway huppermage" thing for her dad. rivals, and ana doesn't really WANT to be. one of the few people who are able to corner her emotionally and in terms of personal skill, kinda? and... ana doesn't want to admit it but she LIKES being around erfi. in the original stories disconnected from wakfu canon they do get together yes LOL.
  • corinne: her mom :D supports her 100% ^_^
  • colette: her aunt!! had no idea she even existed until she met her at her bonta research station, jumpscare. helps tie her and her mom back together though


  • i made her when i was like, 9. she's kinda the culmination of all the mary suey eliatrope ocs i made to ship with yugo, but better ^_^ like i went thru a bunch of names for her like... evie, hera, zena, etc (evie being the one i was most attached to.) i enjoy her character and her arc now!
  • she loves drawing :3 silly littol art kid :33
  • she feels really strongly about her values, so she’s really loyal and selfless for her friends and REALLY loves her hobbies when she has time to do them