


1 year, 5 months ago


It is a story that people often tell and after hearing it from a distant cousin or a neighbor in town; a person gets lost in the woods but stumbles out haggard and disoriented, no worse for wear. They swear upon their near death experiences, their desperation for survival, when it seems like everything, even the shadows of trees seem out to get them. 

It is quite the common story, but what helps them can change the fortunes for life. From godmothers to trickster fae, it is uncertain what destiny has in store until it arrives. When these people call for help in the forest, one of the last sights they wish to see is a hound with a blood red coat and a macabre skull mask. 

Yet, this is certainly not the worst creature to make a deal with. Castine knows the forest inside and out and can even take them to a warm cave to dry off, all for an equal exchange. 

Of course when people are stranded in the dark with beast to keep them company, every promise feels tangible and precious when they are offered in exchange for Castine's help. 

Castine understands negotiations and never accepts the first offer. 

The unimaginative or the minimalistic will turn out their pockets and reach for any possibly interesting trinket in hopes it will catch Castine's eye. So he waits with unamused blinks and even longer stares in order to spur on grander offers. 

Some diligently offer their talents with wood working, mending or their craft. These are his favourite offers to recieve where his cave is covered in splendidly hand made goods from statuettes carefully rendered in his shape, to roughly sewn blankets made with hobbiest hands. Others offer gold and riches beyond imagination just to forget their gratitude when they are safety wrapped in their cocoon blankets. It is then when Castine collects on their promises and takes his fill.