Bexi's Comments

I can do three lineless headshots for em! Examples in my art tab :)

Hiya thx for the offer but I'd have to decline!

What exactly are you looking for them :0 

Preferable money offers tbh

How much is your minimum ^^

$50 :) but open to offers

1 Replies

What about anyone in this folder?

no sorry!

Thanks for looking ^^

anyone in interest you? (If they’re not pending!)

sorry no one caught my eye!

Thanks for looking! I could also offer either three headshots or 5 honeybeest base fill icons!

icon examples:

My headshot examples! (Won’t be on this base, it’ll be freehand, but this is an example of my style!):

i can offer art. 1x fullbody or 2x halfbody or 3x headshot. i can also pay money just lmk how much you are looking for

could you provide art examples

here or on my instagram

they look v nice! do you have discord so we can talk further?

sure lucedary#5951

hey! would anyone outside my mains folder interest you for them? 

unfortunately no one caught my eye! tysm tho

I can see you're tent with this one, i'm gonna offer a fullbody flat and icon semi shaded orr have a look at my ocs! 

can u link me some art examples? :o

YOOOOO 😳 mommy- 😩