LLamas Azur



1 year, 5 months ago


Part of my mspfa HutchMeld

Your name is LLAMAS AZUR. today is your execution date, for crimes you are ADAMANT you are INNOCENT of. Unfortunately the ones on the throne would say otherwise. Your interests used to be ADVENTURING, and AMATURE GOLFING, but since being locked here there hasn't been much of that though. You still do have your trusty GOLF CLUB if you feel like practicing.

Since your imprisonment your hobbies have been collecting PLUSH FRIENDS and reading NICHE WEBCOMICS. though you have yet to actually make your own fun comic you have some ideas. You also are oddly fascinated by kids shows about BLUE CARTOON DOGS that you imported from a far off planet somewhere. Your hutch- or well its actually a cell, but you like to pretend- is littered with PLUSH BLUE CARTOON DOGS, and covers of COOL WEBCOMICS you posted on the walls.