Mr. Blacksuit (Alexandria Mr. Blacksuit)



1 year, 5 months ago


'Together, my friends, we'll do great things'
Mr. Blacksuit

Name Mr. Blacksuit
Age 690
Alias The man in the black suit
Gender Male
Sexuality ???
Pronouns He/Him
Role Consultant
Species Plagued one

Design Notes
  • He smokes a whalebone pipe carved with intricate images of oil drills and coal mines
  • His tie almost always either a sleek blood red or crisp charcoal grey
  • He usually wears black leather gloves
  • His hair is usually slicked back
  • His skin is a bloodless pale white
  • His tie is always in a perfectly tied Windsor knot

Barrow & Locke mining and drilling once owned the sad, miserable dust patch that the prosperous town of Alexandria was built on, but when it yielded neither gold nor coal, they sold it the highest bidder. Now, they've returned, after discovering that it sits on a rich deposit of the earth's dark blood. Now they've sent their finest agent to require the town's land, and flatten it, so that the oil drilling can begin. In an old fashioned black luxury car the Man in Devil-Dark Finery has come to the town of Alexandria.

Mr. Blacksuit is a plagued one, and the walking flesh vessel is but the largest of many vessels commanded by the sinister scheming sentience. A massive horde of rats nest in the rusted green filing cabinets in his office, that occasionally rattle and shake under the fluorescent lights. Once he thought he disposed of the previous, miserable excuse of an agent, he has set out personally to achieve the company's goals, one polished loafer in front of the other.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organized messy
assertive passive

Lore + Definitions
Plagued one: The man in the black suit’s very essence is rats, the ultimate carriers of disease and filth. His mind is not attached to his human body anymore, working in one massive hive mind with Alexandria's blossoming vermin population. As long as a single rat remains, the man in the black suit can return, building back an appropriate body from the flesh and bone of the tide of rats. His power also magnifies in conjunction with the presence of other plagued ones, his vermin carrying their foul blessings as well. He can regenerate almost instantly from physical damage with the large swarm of rats around him, and can ‘teleport’ within a limited range as the vermin instantaneously disassemble and reassemble the physical body elsewhere.

  • His business cards are printed in 12 point times new roman font
  • He's got two offices in Alexandria, one for business and one to sleep in
  • As long as a single rat remains in Alexandria, he's not truly gone
  • He can't be around electronics as they always seem to fail on him
  • Mr blacksuit’s suit feels more like skin than any kind of fabric
  • He can speak through any of the rats, projecting his voice anywhere he’d like in Alexandria

Other facts
Aesthetic Black tie
Alignment Lawful evil
Sin Greed
Virtue Patience

Designer NuclearFruit
Status Not for sale
Value -0.2$

Dumb Rock

Completely incompetent, and will be treated as such.


I'm taking your dental insurance for the mean things you've said to me.