


1 year, 5 months ago




Name Thallo
Species Wingless Ruvara Dragon
Gender Female
Ruling Color, Purple
Age Teens
Universe (Original Universe): WCBS
Role Medic


  • Sensitive
  • Hardworking
  • Reserved


  • Working
  • Nature
  • Peace

Thallo is a Wingless Ruvara (Color) Dragon, ruled by Purple. She works with her adoptive brother, Vulcan, as traveling diplomats as employees of the Royals or Perdita. She works as a medic rather than a politician, as she finds her line of work more impactful and fulfilling.


Thallo is a kind, gentle, sensitive soul who used to work with her adoptive brother, Vulcan, as traveling diplomats, solving conflicts and working under the Royals of Perdita. While her brother is the political sibling, Thallo is the medic. Her medical abilities are advanced and her empathy makes her perfect for her job.

Personality, Life, and Work

Thallo works as a traveling diplomat and medic, although she usually ignores the "diplomat" part of her title. She treats any and all patients who need her, without borders. She takes great pride in her work, and always makes sure that she is taking the best care of a patient, going so far as to form real emotional bonds with them. Blood does not phase her, nor do organs, bones, or diseases. She is not afraid to get dirty, as long as it saves her patient's life. Although usually described as sensitive and gentle, Thallo has a bit of a temper. When she gets upset, she often hides herself away instead of dealing with the problem for fear of lashing out. She is often frustrated by this part of herself, thinking that it makes her inferior to her usually calm and collected older brother.

Because of Thallo's willingness to overstep boundaries in order to take of patients, she often finds herself in sticky situations where she is unable to talk her way out. This is where Vulcan usually steps in and saves her. He is very protective of her and the two are very much codependent. Thallo, despite being a medic, is usually a very messy dragon. She likes to find her own medicines and herbs, leading to lots of dirt. She loves to carry bags, and so has a couple bags that carry important items and tools for her job.

Story Role

PRE-VULCAN CORRUPTION: Thallo is extremely close to her brother Vulcan. The two spend all of their time together and travel around their world of Perdita helping those who need it. Thallo is unaware of the reason for their employment, but is happy to offer her services all the same. During this time, her and Vulcan (re)meet Thallo's childhood best friend and heir to the throne, Titan. Meeting Titan brings Thallo an immense amount of joy, and she becomes extremely energetic during this time.

DURING VULCAN CORRUPTION: Directly after Vulcan's corruption, she is devastated and is desperate to help her brother. She exhausts herself trying to reach him and find ways to help him. Her new friends Halo and Dolion, along with Titan, offer to help her. However, as time goes on, Thallo notices a split between Halo and Dolion's motivation, and so is stuck playing the middle-man for the majority of Vulcan's corruption. She is stressed and anxious at this time, and not even Titan's company can help her calm down.

POST-VULCAN CORRUPTION: She is relieved, but her relationship with her brother and friends is strained. She is angry about the circumstances and is tired of conflict, but refuses to let it stop her from trying to rebuild her broken relationships.


  • Thallo is a very, very picky eater. She dislikes many common foods sold in Perdita and tends to settle for more plain, or lightly seasoned food. She never refuses homemade food, though.
  • She finds working extremely meditative. When she is stressed, she likes to put herself to work. The pressure usually makes her perform exceptionally well.
  • Thallo absolutely hates violence, war, and conflict, especially between those she cares about. It absoltely destroys her mentally. However, she is not bothered by death.
  • She is very sentimental, and likes to keep things given to her. An example includes a pair of woven bracelets given to her by a dying patient. She keeps them with her wherever she goes.
  • Thallo hardley has any strong opinions or feelings regarding romance and relationships (presumably on the aroace spectrum). She dislikes the concept of a bound partner and hopes that her independence will not slow her down in life.
  • Thallo, physically, is very small. She is the shortest of the group and doesn't have a lot of strength, due to her tendency to not eat. She makes up for her lack of strength in her talking skills and empathy.



Vulcan [ Adopted Older Brother ]

Vulcan and Thallo are extremely close because of the fact that the two were placed together at a young age. Vulcan is extremely protective of Thallo, at least until his corruption. He takes care of Thallo and keeps her safe from the things she cannot control. After his recovery from corruption, the two have a strained relationship that Vulcan wants desperately to mend.


Titan [ Best Friend ]

A disorganized, unruly royal, Titan is the next in line for the throne and the first to want to leave. Her and Thallo become friends at an early age and they support each other through thick and thin. Through Vulcan's corruption, she was always by Thallo's side, even when Vulcan was pushing from one side and Halo and Dolion were pushing from another.


Halo [ Friends and Conflict ]

During Vulcan's corruption, Thallo befriended Halo, thinking that with Halo's planning skills, she would assist in helping to save him. Along the way, Halo become angry towards Vulcan for stealing Dolion away from her, and thus Thallo was stuck in the middle, watching as Halo and her brother ruthlessly fought each other for a glimpse of control and normalcy. Halo and Thallo were strained during and after this time.


Dolion [ Friend and Conflict ]

Dolion and Thallo became friends before Vulcan's corruption, and it quickly became clear to Thallo that Vulcan and Dolion were becoming a pair. During Vulcan's corruption, Dolion was strongly in favor of saving and trying to heal Vulcan, much to his former best friend Halo's dismay. Thallo, being stuck in the middle of the group, started siding with Dolion, making them grow closer, as Vulcan's control on Dolion and Thallo grew by the day.