


1 year, 6 months ago


Name: Ollie

Age: 5 months

Gender: female (she/her)

Sexuality: straight

Affiliation: house cat

Backstory: Ollie grew up in the same home as her older brother Tic-Tac. She looked up to her brother a lot, and spent every moment she could with him. Tic-Tac died protecting her from a dog that almost killed her, leaving the right side of her face scarred, as well as losing her eye and ear. Recovering from the attack was difficult, especially without her brother's comfort or guidance. Mocha stepped in to comfort her during this time, and introduced Ollie to some other kittens in the neighborhood, including her best friend, Jay. With a new support group, Ollie is now just as happy and playful as any other kitten, although you won't ever see her without the old plush toy that was once Tic-Tac's.

Personality: a quiet overthinker. Ollie is kind to a fault, and often becomes overly emotional when someone is being rude. She is always a helpful and resourceful kitten, despite her anxious thoughts.