Sephy Snow



1 year, 6 months ago


So five layers of AU later, and we have one half of a whole Scarlet and Violet Protagonist. Born in Sinnoh.

Design Notes

  1. Regardless of when
    1. Silver hair, freckles on his face, green eyes, on the scrawny side
  2. pre-scarvio
    1. As a younger kid, his parent and foster parents all insisted he keep his hair short. He couldnt be bothered to keep it neat after he joined his second foster family
    2. All his clothes were hand-me-downs or thrift store buys, almost everything big on him, and he had minimal input on what he wore
    3. Unhealthily thin for most of it
    4. Has a distant look in his eyes
  3. Scarvio (15-17)
    1. His hair is grown out and is approaching shoulder length, he keeps his hair smoothed down mostly, but when he's out in the wilderness for days on end, it does start getting mussed up
    2. Still on the thinner side, but he's now a much more healthy weight
    3. Smiling and his eyes have life to them
    4. Not uncommon to have a Gracidea flower in his hair
    5. about 5'5"
    6. Outfits
      1. Winter version of the Naranja/Uva uniform
      2. Autumn version of the Blueberry Uniform
      3. Casual Outfit to be determined
  4. Adult
    1. Hair reaches the middle of his back, and is often pulled into a ponytail not unlike Lynn's
    2. TALL. At least 6 feet
    3. Due to his exploration, he's lean, but isn't a twig
    4. Outfit designs To Be Determined


  • When he was born,  birthing parent died due to childbirth complications
  • Other parent resented his existence. Did the absolute bare minimum in terms of care
  • Had the bare minimum amount of clothing necessary 
  • Sephy had to learn really quickly how to take care of himself
  • After several years of skirting the line of CPS getting called, parent suddenly signed all their rights away when Sephy was nine
  • Sephy had no alert that this was going to happen. He was basically given a trash bag to carry his possessions or clothes and told to gtfo one day when he came home from school.
  • Foster care system hell!
  • The first temporary family he was assigned to didn't like that he had learned many self care tasks wrong, and the bio kid of the family made fun of his ignorance
  • Due to unrelated issues with that family, he was assigned to a different family a few weeks later.
  • The other children in this family were in a similar boat as him, but they were a little older
  • He isn't aware of their motivations, but they saw the younger kid and pinged him as a threat
  • Parents were constantly busy with their lives and their other foster children, and he was often pushed to the side since he wasn't loud and demanding.
  • His learned habits of trying to make himself small and unseen worked too well
  • Even when the other kids started getting physical with their frustrations 
  • He didn't start a journey when he hit ten due to being afraid that if he left, what little he had at this home would be taken away.
  • One of the older kids went, and their stuff wasn't touched, but in Sephy's mind, the kid had been around much longer before going on said journey
  • One day, when said kid was visiting home, they invited Sephy and the other kids on a fun trip to Mt. Coronet.
  • They were going to hunt a rare pokemon, and they needed someone to guard a hole while the others flushed the pokemon out!
  • (Yes, this is a fictionalized version of a Snipe Hunt)
  • Sephy doesn't realize that he's been pranked until the sun starts to set, and no one is around. And his phone is missing.
  • He gets incredibly lost
  • Without a Pokemon, he has to dodge around any wild ones he stumbles across, and he isn't able to find a human before it gets dark
  • An aggressive Golbat catches his scent at one point, and he has to run away
  • When he gets cornered, something shifts in the corner of his eye, and he doesnt know what it was, but the Golbat flies off in terror
  • Other wild pokemon seem to be in a similar boat, running off whenever he gets close
  • Decides he would be better off hunkering down for the night
  • Goes into a cave and passes out despite being very uncomfortable
  • Wakes up warm
  • Realizes that a pair of Alolan Ninetales have curled around him, and there's a Kantonian Ninetales tending a small fire nearby
  • While Alolan Ninetales aren't native, he does remember hearing that they will guide lost people off of their mountains
  • Unsure if they even understand him, he asks if they could do so, and one even nods.
  • They escort him back to a town where he's able to call his foster family 
  • Apparently they had left without him due to the older kid saying he had spontaneously decided to go off with a pokemon to start a journey
  • Feels great
  • The Ninetales are nowhere to be seen, but he leaves a food gift for them at the edge of the town they left him at
  • The foster parents do punish the older children since their prank could've ended with Sephy dead
  • Doesn't really stop the day to day bullying (Possessions going missing, unwanted rough housing, minimal privacy, etc)
  • On a family vacation, they go to Floaroma
  • While playing in the river, one of the other kids pushes him and he slips and falls into a strong current.
  • Something grabs him and drags him to safety, and all he sees of his rescuer is a flash of  white and green scales
  • A pokemon he's never seen?
  • While he could wave the ninetales away as either abandoned trainer pokemon, he couldn't make sense of the strange Pokemon in the river
  • Started doing research into ancient Sinnoh in an attempt to figure out the mysterious pokemon
  • Stumbles across a lot of the old stories involving the heroes of the region, as well as the story about The First Pokedex. And one picture that had faded with time of the original team
  • When his family made a hiking trip to mt. Coronet, he tried to sneak off, but was stopped by a strange brunette person with a white fox mask
  • They told him that he had already gotten into enough accidents that he didn't need to willingly walk into trouble
  • He was pretty sure that wasn't a human but hell if he could tell what it was
  • How did they know about his other incidents?
  • He begged the trainer foster kid to take him to Celestic Town so that he could research more. (The foster parents were too busy, and he didn't have money for a ride)
  • In the hike over, he gets ditched halfway through
  • This time in the caves
  • Ends up extremely lost again, and finds Spear Pillar
  • Annnnd finds four people with some unusual Pokemon. All unconscious.
  • Though he's afraid they're dead until they start moving
  • Suddenly scared, he hides behind one of the pillars and watches them wake up
  • It's. Very strange to hear them talk. 
  • Other worlds? A plague? Dying?
  • He's so engrossed with listening to the humans talk that he doesn't notice that the person with the white fox mask has appeared again
  • ... Now that he looks harder, one of the humans looks an awful lot like this person
  • They laugh, and flash some very sharp looking teeth
  • This also catches the attention of the previously unconscious humans
  • "Wisp? Why do you look like me?"
  • The person suddenly changes into what he now knows is a Hisuian Zoroark
  • Who then pounces on the human that they had chosen to look like for so long
  • Everyone introduces themselves: Colress, Cynthia, Lynn, and Ingo (and their mons are also introduced)
  • He isn't upfront about why he's here, but he can see Wisp elbow Lynn in a "we're talking about this later" way.
  • They help him get back to celestic town where they reunite him with his foster family
  • Though Lynn hands him a strange number and tells him that if he ever needs anything, than try contacting it. It should work even if regular phone signal isn't working
  • Once he's back home, he contacts the number just to see what it does
  • "Are you okay?" It wasn't Lynn's voice, but it had just as much concern
  • He's fine, right now anyway, and he's more worried about them
  • Tells them about an abandoned house nearby that they might be able to "borrow" until they get on their feet
  • ~~shenanigans happen to help them get established. Sephy also helps them find their mons that are still alive~~
  • He ends up spending more and more time with them than his actual foster family
  • When they start talking about a more legal residence, he's happy but secretly upset that they're going to leave
  • It's not like they promised him anything, but they had given him more security and care than the people legally paid to do so
  • Very shocked when Colress asks if he would like to come with them
  • //insert whatever nonsense needs to happen for legal adoption 
  • They don't force him to call them any titles, so he mostly sticks to their names for a long while
  • Sinnoh is very depressing for the former hisuians, and Sephy really wants to start a journey. But he's afraid of running into his former foster family, and he's already had too many bad memories of exploring in sinnoh
  • So a new area is chosen, and Paldea even has a very nice school where Sephy can go to school and have a good balance with Pokemon training.
  • Ends up getting a Fuecoco when Clavell visits to make sure all of the paperwork is settled
  • Soon after befriends Koraidon with a sandwich, and only sees Arven for a hot second
  • Nemona also swings by all excited over having two rivals
  • He gets pulled into Starfall Street when he helps Penny get away from two Team Star recruiters who were refusing to take no for an answer
  • He couldn't stand by and watch someone who seemed even more timid than he was get bullied into something she didn't want to do
  • He didn't have context for what was going on with Team Star, but he had the ability to do something, and by god he was going to
  • Clavell's disguise didn't fool him at all, but he kept the ruse going since it seemed like it was working on Cassiopeia
  • Clearly could tell none of his guardians were falling for it, but they kept inviting "clive" anyway
  • His original mission upon starting the treasure hunt was to fill the pokedex (like his guardians!), but Operation Starfall gave him an extra goal
  • Then he found out that the gym badges also helped with catching pokemon, so showed up like a month after everyone else to get his first badge
  • Shocked and touched when his guardians somehow managed to show up despite the absolute last minute nature of the fight
  • When the mission to go to Area Zero came up, he was incredibly anxious
  • On one hand, he didn't think the other kids (Sebastian, Arven, Nemona, and Penny) would ditch him
  • But on the other hand, it had happened a lot 
  • He accidentally lets slip what's happening, and his guardians all immediately say they're coming too
  • ~~area zero happens~~
  • (Guardians are separated from the kids at one point or another, so that the kids can have their canon moments of glory)
  • Now he knows why Arven seemed iffy about Colress (Sciencey research and futurey aesthetic) and Cynthia (History researcher) oops
  • When the ace tournament battle brawl happens, he gets to feel the support of all his friends and family and manages to pull off a win against Sebastian
  • Now that things have calmed down, he's looking forward to figuring out his life. 
  • He's already encountered so many weird things, surely he's hit his limit and things will go much more smoothly.
  • Of course this isn't what happens
  • At first, life was fairly smooth and all five of the area zero kids were able to get closer to each other
  • Arven needed a lot of support from everyone, and even Seb's dad and Sephy's parental figures joined in
  • After a little while, though, Sephy's name was pulled for a week long school trip to Kitakami
    • When Lynn hears this, she offers to let him take her Baneful Fox mask. Just in case he's not able to get a mask there.
  • While there, he's drawn to Kieran. The other boy's shyer nature reminded him of what he was like before his guardians came into his life.
    • Outside of that, he enjoyed hearing Kieran's info dumps on the ogre myths and other things he was interested in
      • Sephy very much recognizes the "using older stories to feel better about current shitty situation" method of living
    • He felt really bad fighting Kieran. Kieran hadn't had anywhere NEAR the same level of pokemon training as he had (Seriously, his guardians consist of a former champion, a former evil team leader AND a battle facility leader who all really liked pokemon battles)
  • Carmine's more abrasive nature didn't foster any good feelings at first, and it didn't help that she sometimes reminded him of his former foster siblings
    • Sometimes her yelling makes him lock up until he finally snaps at yells at her to stop doing that to him
    • These opinions change over time when it becomes more clear that she does actually care about Kieran, she's just really bad at showing it
  • When he's invited to the festival with Kieran and Carmine, he feels a little excited. Especially going with Kieran.
  • The encounter with Ogrepon was interesting, but the fallout of everyone trying to keep secrets really bothered him
  • He didn't want to hide something from his new friend that he'd be excited about
    • He gets that there's a time and place for honesty, but he tells the grandfather that he wasn't going to keep the secret for long
    • Keeping secrets about his guardians way back when had made life difficult when honesty meant they wouldve gotten assistance sooner
    • Unfortunately kieran doesnt hear that response
    • As for the story itself, it was fascinating to run into another instance of history remembering things VERY INCORRECTLY
      • Heroes of sinnoh were actually a bunch of NERDS
  • The trip to the crystal pool was fascinating... The sign mentioning the ability to talk to those who had already passed brought up an old desire that Sephy had thought he had suppressed forever ago.
  • Briar's suspicious words snapped him out of his melancholy
  • Kieran's outburst wasn't entirely unexpected, but the fallout was.
  • Chasing down the three pokemon to get the masks back wasn't the worst thing though
  • Ogrepon was a fun loving pokemon that he enjoyed being around, and she seemed very excited about Lynn's mask.
  • Carmine was slowly growing on him and grating on him until his eventual snap
  • afterwards she seems to tone it down a little
  • Sephy was extremely impressed by Kieran's ability to convince the town that they believed the wrong story, and he thought about maybe talking about his own past with Kieran afterwards
  • - until kieran got upset when he realized Ogerpon wanted to go with Sephy back to Paldea
  • Kieran's pokemon were tougher this time around, but even then, they weren't a match for Sephy's.
  • And then Kieran refused to talk to him before Briar took him and carmine back to their school.
  • Sephy spent the rest of the trip trying to fill the apparently separate dex for Kitakami, and even helped a weird photographer lady with a very strong pokemon. He still felt extremely upset over fumbling his friendship so badly, so he threw himself into the task with little regard for safety.
  • When he got back to Paldea, Ogerpon all but knocked Lynn over and excitedly greeted his guardians and Seb's father
    • Apparently they had all met way back when oops
  • Sephy's mood remained soured for a while, but that was interrupted when //insert Villain Trio Plot Here That is Not Part of Pokemon Canon
  • He admittedly didn't immediately realize Sebastian wasn't doing well due to his own issues, and he regrets it
  • When everything is smoothed over with Rivers and co, Sephy gets invited to Blueberry Acadamey! in Unova!
    • Colress and Ingo were a little melancholy over it, but they weren't going to stop him from going
  • When Lacey first released Sephy into the Terrarium, he promptly disappeared into catching Pokemon until Carmine finally called him to meet up.
  • Finding out that Kieran had turned into a bully in their time apart shocked Sephy, and hearing Kieran talk to another student like said student was garbage really hurt Sephy's feelings.
    • Yes, he wasn't in the line of fire, but the words reminded him of Worse Times
    • Carmine had to yank him away before he confronted Kieran right then
  • Drayton wasn't even trying to be subtle with his plans, but without him, Sephy wouldn't get the opportunity to try and make things right with Kieran, so he agreed to the plan
  • When he and Kieran properly meet in the lunchroom, Sephy tried to smile, but it came out sad
  • This apparently knocked Kieran off kilter enough that all that bravado from earlier was knocked right out of his sails
  • The League club was about as straightforward as the gyms in Paldea.
    • Properly flying on Koraidon was AMAZING though
    • Drayton's challenge was admittedly easier than expected since Sephy had already caught a bunch of really strong pokemon
      • This did not translate to the battle with Drayton himself
  • Kieran's battle was intense, but Sephy still won.
  • He tried to stick around Kieran, but Kieran barely reacted to his presence. The thousand yard stare frightened him, and the fact that it was being ignored didn't sit well with him.
  • When Briar called the stronger league club members for the meeting, Carmine had to zombie walk kieran to the classroom.
  • Briar wanted a deeper dive into Area zero, and had finally gotten Geeta's approval.
    • Even If Sephy had lost the battle to Kieran, he would have been asked to help. Given his previous expedition with the other kids, and his parents+the Kondraki's efforts to help socialize the paradox pokemon into playing nice with regular mons, his expertise wouldve been appretiated.
      • He did ask why didn't they ask for some help, and Briar shot down the question with a very non-committal answer
  • He was excited to show the place off to Kieran and Carmine, and seeing Kieran's kinder personality shine through again was a treat.
  • Briar, however, was not an enjoyable companion for this.
  • When Terapagos was finally found, the small turtle took a deep breath, locked onto him, and took a few steps
    • Kieran didn't like it and cought it with a master ball
    • he also didn't like it when Sephy was able to beat Terapagos in battle
    • When the turtle terastalized, though, things went sideways
    • Koraidon manages to protect Kieran before he got blasted by Terapagos's wild terastal energy
  • Kieran broke
  • Carmine's last pokemon went down as Sephy's tired mons held the line
  • Finally, Kieran stood beside him as they fought together
  • They synced well as they fought Terapagos, and soon, the turtle was defeated.
  • he wasn't sure about trying to catch it, but he didn't trust Briar, and terapagos was determined to come with him.
  • Kieran's apology was appreciated, and Sephy only hoped that kieran could take care of himself more.
  • It made sense that after his breakdown, Kieran would want a break, but that didn't mean that Sephy wasn't disappointed that Kieran left again
  • The fact he had no way to contact kieran was upsetting, and he was determined to help him get a phone the next time he saw him.
  • The exchange program was only for a few weeks, and soon, Sephy returned home to continue his classes in paldea and to finish up the pokedex(?).
    • When he got that letter from kieran inviting him and any friends he wanted to bring, he invited Seb, Arven, Penny, and Nemona along.