


1 year, 5 months ago




Summer Vacation is NOT relaxation for Yasmin.
Visiting family in KPK was supposed to be a breeze for 16-year-old Yasmin. Getting caught up in politics, superpowers, and weird genes? Definitely not what she expected.
After finding the PLIC's experimental device in the woods and accidentally activating it, Yasmin realized that the blast gave her superpowers. She wasn't alone in this, though. Her two cousins, Salma and Ruqqaya, got powers as well.
Thanks to an uptake in PLIC propaganda, the three are tasked with stopping this strong regime, recruiting fellow friends and ex-soldiers alike. Though the task may seem unlikely, they have each other and their powers. But how long can they last?

Die Hard - Kendrick Lamar


  • cats
  • cellos
  • hiking
  • running
  • sour food
  • awkward social situations

"I'm pretty skilled at fighting. In a debate room. If I don't pass out. And this isn't school! I'm kinda screwed right now, so I'm gonna juusttt... leave..."

Age: 16
Gender: female (she/her)
Sexuality: greyace
Height: 5'8
Build: slender


Yasmin's family had decided to visit Pakistan for a whole summer after almost six years of staying in the States - specifically to attend a few weddings and reconnect with their relatives. Unfortunately, Yasmin had no one in her age group to really socialize with until the wedding neared. Except Salma and Ruqqaya - her two other cousins living in their huge family home.

It doesnt necessarily feel like Yasmin is even welcomed within her family - she's what you'd call an ABCD... American Born Confused Desi. She's modern, she's headstrong, and she has a temper - challenging the unknown constantly. In contrast to Salma's passive-aggresiveness and Ruqqaya's impulsiveness, this doesn't mix well at all. After finally getting over jet-lag, the three get into a fight, leading to Yasmin storming out.

The following night, Yasmin finds herself awake in bed, needing fresh air to blow off steam. She sneaks out of her home and into the wilderness so she can hear her own thoughts. Unfortunately, she gets lost. No worries! She'll just need to find a stick to mark her steps. And then she grabs a stray experimental staff on the road. Boom. Blackout.

After having the weirdest dream, Yasmin awakes to find soldiers surrounding her. Wait - soldiers? SOLDIERS? She might just still be dreaming, but she still runs. Yasmin is able to defend herself using the stick, and quickly realizes that she has some weird telekinetic abilities. After outrunning this militia, though, she chalks it up to being a dream. What she doesn't know is that her cousins had the exact same dream... and woke up with powers too... OK NOW READ THE WEBTOON LINK IN MY PROFILE!!


  • I actually came up with Yasmin's concept months before the concept of Jadu - get this, she was supposed to be a magical theatre kid, getting her powers from a magic prop closet. And she wore a fedora. Crazy. SHE'S THE GIRL ON MY FIRST COMM SHEET TOO!
  • All of my characters from Jadu have a little bit of me in them. Yasmin actually looks a lot like 8th Grade me, which is crazy. Probably because of the haircut.
  • Yasmin cannonically attracts any cats within a ten foot radius of her. Nothing magic related, she just really loves cats.
  • She also has a terrible fashion style. Aasha saved her ass.

Yasmin's slightly afraid of her. She's a hardworking asset to their ragtag team, though. Yasmin thinks she might need a therapist.


Yasmin thinks of Ruqqaya of pretty chill, though she constantly acts as a follower and not a leader. She's great in superhero comprehension, but she might need a therapist too.


Cat buddies!! Yasmin thinks that he's pretty neat. He probably has a therapist.