


9 years, 5 months ago


Full Name: Hime  Wolf
Nickname: Spazz

Age: 26
Gender: Female
SpeciesHalf Wolf Demon
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 130lbs


She has no memory or knowing of where she is from, she was raised by Akuma with the help of a bear demon named Thomas. She has an older sister but she hasnt seen her since they were young, her whereabouts are unknown.

Physical Description:

She has the ability to turn feral. When in this form she is painted as a tan and black panda, with a black heart on her chest and a red heart on her left butt cheek. Her tongue is painted Cyan, tho the inside of her mouth is the normal redish tones. Her eyes glow bright blue, which stands out from her dark hair. The only piercings she has are the plugs in her ears, and she can pretty much have any hairstyle. Her hair when down, flows about a foot past her feet. Her tail used to be long and has since been cropped shorter.

She can seem kind of Tsundere, in the sense that she won't admit certain things right away, and she will get embarrassed about it while yelling at you. She is overprotective and kind hearted, she has a pretty bubbly personality but she can get serious when she needs to. She likes to wear cute clothes but she's got a tomboy attitude/personality.