utf's Comments

Heya! Does anything on Vinporeon or on Ikaros interest you for them? :o

If not would you accept a voucher maybe? 

Hey there, is he still pending? If not, may I offer? 

Heya, I wasn't sure if they were still available or not considering their name is Pending but since I've ran into lots of instances where people just didn't change the name from when they got it and the character is actually UFO I thought I should make sure bc I absolutely love them! 

If they are still UFO, I could offer a trade? pretty much anyone on my account! maybe even multiple. Or possible USD if you're able to with this character :3

If they aren't available anymore then I do deeply apologize for the comment! I hope their new owner really enjoys them :] if this is the case then I'd appreciate a response/reply letting me know and then having my comment deleted <3

I Hope you have a wonderful day :D

ow, I'm actually very interested in Aiden and Sven but unfortunately this character is pending for real ;v;7 I'm waiting for some art, sorry-- but everyone else in this folder is uft yvy

Awh a bummer but I do hope you enjoy the art ^^ if they happen to end up backing out for whatever reason then do let me know and I'd be happy to trade for em <3 otherwise I'll just keep my eyes peeled for any other characters that interest me :) tysm!