


1 year, 8 months ago


- History-

Swirlkit was born during a leaf-bare morning to Ashbloom and Blightstar, having one sister named Cricketkit. Ashbloom was a loving mother, while Blightstar was a dishonest father, having no interest in his two kits. 

And so, Ashbloom would raise her kits alone. Due to harsh weather conditions and a sickness that plagued Thunderclan, Cricketkit didn't make it, thus only leaving Swirkit.

At six moons, he was apprenticed to Darkgaze. Darkgaze was harsh at the start, he pushed and pushed Swirlpaw. He wanted Swirlpaw to be the best warrior in the clan, even it meant passing his limits.

As he grew stronger and stronger, Swirlpaw begged to be noticed by his father, who blatantly ignored him. The constant neglect from his father awoke something dark in Swirlpaw.

He pushed himself during trainings, learning moves no apprentice should even know. 

He was made a warrior at thirteen moons, being renamed Swirlfur. 

Even then, his father didn't care. His mother? Bless her heart, she loved her son, and tried to show him her love, but got pushed away.

The moons went by and Swirlfur finally snapped.

He took the life of his father, making it seem like an accident when he dragged his body back to camp.

He immediately shoved his way as leader, claiming his father's last words were "Lead the clan"

He had no remorse. No cat would know the truth. He appointed Darkgaze as his deputy.

He leads Thunderclan today. A false leader.


Mother - Ashbloom | A pretty silver she-cat


Father - Blightstar | A smoky dark, solid gray tom with yellow eyes. | DECEASED, killed by Swirlstar.

No foster parents.

Littermates - Cricketkit | Pale Grey she-kit | DECEASED, sickness.

Mate- N/A.

Kit(s)- N/A

He has no noted uncles, aunts, nieces, or nephews.


Mentor- Darkgaze | A black tom with dull orange eyes.| ALIVE


- Currently mentoring a cream she-cat named Eggpaw.


- He does want a mate and kits to take on his legend.

- He loves ONE flower and those are sunflowers.