


1 year, 5 months ago




Name Verona
Called Verona, Vee, Ro
Age Mid-twenties
Pronouns she/they
Species Pomeranian mix
Hometown Clementine
Alignment Neutral Good


  • Easygoing
  • Responsible
  • Flirty


  • Coffee
  • Bookstores
  • Afternoon naps

For someone who grew up in a small town, Verona's taken to city life like a fish to water. On an evening like this one, you can find her in her apartment, curled up on the couch with a cup of tea, leftover pizza, and a soft blanket watching a movie as the stars twinkle beyond her window. When Elliott gets back from a late photography gig, she wordlessly waves them over and makes room for them next to her, resting her head on their shoulder and dozing off to the chattering television.


Verona is the newest employee at Vanny's coffee shop, and has loved every minute of it. She's got plenty of barista experience under her belt, and it's been a great opportunity for her to get to know her neighbors. She's got a small apartment and likes to keep it tidy, but cozy. She loves books, trying new foods, and lazy days on the couch. She's a very laid-back person, but loves exploring the city and going on small long as she gets a day to rest after!


Growing up in a small, rural town, Verona once loved the peaceful, lacksidaisical lifestyle that came with the terriroty. Clementine was as nice a place as any, and even her relationship with her parents was decent. She had some friends, enjoyed school and even went to a local community college to study journalism, but as she got older, she started to itch for a change. In their early twenties, they made the decision to move to the city--and it's the best one they've ever made. They didn't have much of a plan in mind for their future when they made their move, but meeting Vanny, Elliott, and all their new coworkers and friends has given them the chance to explore who they really are and where they want to go next.


Right now, Verona is content with her job, apartment, and life--it's all very fitting for someone in their twenties who's not quite ready to setttle down, and is catered to her tastes (meaning lots and lots of soft blankets to wrap herself up in, to start). They'd love to travel, publish some of their own writing, and spend more time experimenting with new things. They don't have any clear long-term goals set, but that's how they like it right now--taking it day-by-day, but enjoying the adventure as she's breaking from her routines for the first time in their life.


  • Verona loves coffee and tea, but HATES green tea!
  • Despite being a barista who's pretty good at her job, she's a terrible cook.
  • Her favorite season is Fall!
  • She loves rom-coms.
  • She has a fear of the ocean and airplanes.
  • She's a troublemaker, but you'd never guess it at first glance. She loves to tease her friends, and especially loves teasing Elliott. (She knows they can't stay mad at her, and their grumpy face is just too cute to resist!)



Elliott [ partner ]

Elliott, a longtime friend of Vanny's, took immediate interest in Verona. They made a point to show up to the coffee shop when they knew she'd be working just for an excuse to talk to (and flirt with) her. One thing led to another, and they've been inseparable ever since!


Vanny [ boss & friend ]

Vanny is Verona's current boss at the coffee shop she works at, but has quickly become one of her closest friends. When Verona was still new in town, she helped them to get settled into an unfamiliar place and went out of her way to make them feel welcomed. They often stay long after the shop has closed, just talking and munching on leftover pastries. She introduced Verona and Elliott, and will absolutely never let either of them live it down.


Character [ relationship ]

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