_UNNAMED's Comments

If the previous person falls through I would love to claim ;0;

Thank you ^q^ If their invoice goes overdue after 24 hours I'll ping you

ToastyToastie Hello again- the first person withdrew from the deal, would you like to claim this character?

Yes please! ;;u;; I am [email protected]

Thank you ಥuಥ Invoice sent!

can I claim?

Of course ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Please send me your paypal info so I can make you an invoice

Awaiting invoice

Invoice sent! I'm sorry I wasn't able to send it earlier, your reply arrived around my bedtime ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)

Is okay! Unfortunately something has come up, so feel free to ping the other person ;-; I'm sorry!

No problem ^q^ Hope to see you another time (「• ω •)「