


1 year, 5 months ago


Deer cat(Rapterian deer)
Supporting character
positive . neutral . negative

"Don't give up! I believe in you!"

Maple is the daughter of the terrifying bounty hunter, Archer. Archer adopted her and they now live in a small cabin the woods. Maple hates staying inside all day and spends most of her time in the forest. Archer is always alerted when she's in danger so he kind of lets her go wherever she wants in sakura. She loves exporing, hanging out with animals and going on small adventures. She usually drags her best friend Sam along on her adventures.


  • Hugs
  • Encouraging others
  • Birds

  • Mean people
  • Yelling
  • Anyone sad
Design Notes

  • Very fluffy and wavy fur
  • Fluffy bushy tail
  • Has all kinds of flowers on her antlers
Fun facts

  • Maple can feel if any of her birds are in danger
  • She wants to own her own bakery when she's older
  • She wants to find a way to help her dad feel other emotions
Likely to

  • Hug you when you never asked
  • Ask if your okay
  • Offer you cookies

Maple was created of a clone of Archer. C.H.A.I.N.S. Created her to be a weapon for them. They took Archer’s DNA, But during the process of her creation. Something went wrong, The experiment failed. And was abandoned, But the scientist never knew the experiment was still alive. Developing a personality and body to copy Archer’s species. But the problem was, Maple was the opposite of Archer. While Archer is emotionless and cold, Maple is happy, kind, sweet and caring and always looking into the bright side. While Archer controls weapons, Maple controls small adorable birds. While Archer can’t feel due to being emotionless, Maple feels pain of others she cares about, And while Archer is a wolf deer. Maple is a cat deer.

Subheading 2

When Maple awakes, There’s no one around. Maple confused, and scared. Walks around the C.H.A.I.N.S. base. When she finally bumps into scientists, before she can say anything. They run away in fear. Maple eventually finds her way out, And finds Archer. Archer could have just ignored the cat, But Archer was shocked to see another one of his species. Archer adopted Maple and raised her as his own child. Taught her how to use her abilities and how to live in the forest, even though she still has trouble controlling her abilities.

Subheading 3

Maple loves her father despite his emotionless personality. She couldn’t ask for a better dad. There are times when he’s over protective and aggressive, but she doesn’t care. As long as she’s with him, she doesn’t need anything else. Maple does have friends Archer doesn’t approve of like River and Sam. But she hangs with them anyway so they don’t feel lonely. Maple can also communicate with small birds, there are times where raptor birds will respond to her like falcons and eagles, But it’s usually small birds like robins, sparrows, blue jays. Birds usually follow Maple to protect her or hang on her antlers. Maple does know that there’s evil in the world, but no matter what she does try her best to ignore it and look on the bright side. She’s always holding onto hope to encourage others and comfort when they are down. When things get bad, Maple will still smile through the pain.

Role in Eye Of The Eclipse

  • Maple and Sam are warned by Arron and Sensor that their friends, Delta, Alice, Stacy and Ren are being hunted down by Queen Regina. Worried for their saftey and wanting to help, Maple and Sam team up with Arron and Sensor to stop Regina.
Archer Father

Maple is the only person Archer can feel love towards. They both equally love eachother very much. However, Archer can be very aggresive and hostile towards Maple's friends such as River and Sam. However, He lets her hang out with them because it makes her happy. He would never do anything to take that away. Even if Archer isn't a good person, Maple doesn't care and will always support and love him. She wants to find a way to help Archer gain more emotions more then anger and love.

Sam Best friend

Maple found Sam when he ran away from his abusive father, Reed. Ever since then they have been best friends. Getting into shennaigans and adventures. Sam still has truama from his past, but luckily has the positive hopeful Maple by his side. They are always there to help and support one another.
