K • (David Kimura)



1 year, 5 months ago


David/K - 32 - Vault

David, Mostly referred to as K is man born of a japanese father and a swedish mother. K is the superior and partner of 11.

in David's mid twenties he was involved in a freak accident involving a private company heavily affiliated with the government. The private company would become David's future employer. David was told he was on his deathbed due to the accident but his life was saved by "attempting" an experimental surgery method only possible of occurring because of the accident.

David is now considered Semi-Human or barely human at all by society's standards. The scars across David's body allows him to summon weapons but in this process David still mutilates him. David has a small form of immortality due to the procedure done on him. the truth is David is a war weapon test subject, as David summons more weapons from is body he becomes weaker and to make up for this David can replenish himself by cannibalizing his enemies or drinking a blood bag. David can also be sent into a sort of hyperdrive via serum injection and enter a more disheveled and less human form made up of the weapons he has become one with.