Lotus Silvea Maximillia Zolar



6 years, 2 months ago


Lotus Silvea Maximillia ZOLAR

【 Name 】 Lotus Silva Maximillia Zolar
【 Called 】 Lotus, Loto, Max.
【 Age 】 16 years old, then 18 years old.
【 D.o.B. 】 First of Maisial
【 Gender】
【 Sexuality 】 Bisexual, Biromantic.
【 Class 】 Huppermage
【 Role 】 Huppermage Scout, Adventurer
【 Alignment 】 Chaotic Good.
【 Style 】 Formal dress code, Huppermage attire.
【 Likes 】 Bow Meows, The night sky, Pom cake.
【 Dislikes 】 Lies, Cheating, Card games, waking up early.
【 Theme 】Queen of SpaceAbsurd ExtravaganzaSomewhere I'd Rather Be 
                     ♫ Kozmoz - Overload
【 HTML 】 Wicked



Bow Meow's appreciation 







Pom enthusiast 









Pom enthusiast 



Lotus was born in a small city of Bonta when the seas of the World of Twelve already rose to dangerous levels. Being an Huppermage, she always attended the Huppermage school - but was always, always a very bad student. Sometimes she would provoke an explosion during Alchemy classes, sometimes her Dragoturkey would decide that the field was not a good place for the class and run inside the buildings to find her way in the corridors or the bathrooms. While other students would learn about the use of the runes and new spells to use, Lotus would look at the window, behind the wooden bars, and dream of what was actually behind the clouds, behind the windows she always looked at. Her dream since young was to explore the world and discover more of it, until she couldn't get enough. 

However, running away from home was not an option: Lotus had to take care of her mother. Since her father departed before her birth, her mother was always the one taking care of everything, and Lotus often had to help at the bakery her family owns. The two of them lived at Wafer Bridge, a small bridge-like town known for its delicacies - and its bread.   

So for now, her explorations were only limited to go in the streets to feed the local stray Bo Meows, which was of course not enough for her.
But that will soon change the day that followed her sixteenth birthday.


  • Lotus doesn't know much about her father, and her mother herself never goes into detail when she actually speaks about him.
  • She was a catastrophe in class before leaving Bonta with Ush. When she actually put some decent effort into it, however, she actually would do something right. But studies were never her thing. 
  • Silvea has a lot of internal anger that she tends to bottle up.
  • Her family is in possession of a fake Dofus, the Dofus of the Watchmen. This was a wedding gift from Lotus' father, an adventurer that is now absent at home, for her mother.
  • It is believed that her father was a Iop, and part of the reason for his departure
    was because of the local community's bad eye on the couple's relationship. Another reason is that he missed adventure too much.
  • If the Huppermages have to stay 'balanced' in all kind of situations, Lotus was the polar opposite as a child, and will be for a very long time: very spontaneous, rash and careless, Lotus will usually do the first thing that comes to her mind, however stupid it might be. It may be because of the Iop genes she possesses. She isn't a fan of sports, nor forced studies, as she prefers to discover things on her own via tests. This might explain why her grades were so bad until she found her own way of learning, though all the facts above are the reason why she would always be mocked by her peers. 
  • Because she is affiliated with Bonta and went to the Huppermage school supported by said nation, Lotus is well versed in light magic. She is however not interested in the dark arts, which are taught in the Huppermage school of Brakmar. While Lotus is a powerful Huppermage, her light magic is the one foes should look out for, and it also is her most commonly used magic.

The Tale of Ush and Loto


It was a rainy, stormy day, in the late afternoon. Huppermage scholars would hop out of the Zaap and slip out Ogrest's name out of their lips, then run to quickly get to the safety of their own homes. Even in a day like this, Lotus still stayed true to herself and ran towards the narrow streets, towards the spot the usual Bow Meows would herd. It is that day that she found a Bow Meow collapsed and unconscious, hurt, and bruised. That day, she brought him home, took care of his injuries, until he woke up. 

The Bow Meow turned out to be none other than Ush, and here in this town far away from the big city, not many people actually knew him - and Lotus was one of the many ignorants.
It quickly turned out that the Ecaflip had lost his memories, and only remembered his name. While this brought concern to Lotus, she also found a way out of this boring life of hers. Months passed, and Lotus had finally completed the cycle of her basic studies, and as the family tradition wanted it, she was given a second name, that she treasures: Lotus. 

Hence this marked the day Lotus decided to go on a journey during summer vacation and left home with Ush, bringing a Dofus with her: to the both of them, it was unknown that it was a fake, and they both thought it was a legit one. Still, its powers were unknown. 

The duo traveled far, from the sand beaches of Sufokia to the wide fields of Amakna, discovering more about the world and enjoying each other's company. They became close and tried to learn more about Ush - finding ways to try and make him remember something, but all was futile: nothing was showing up. 

Of course, both friends and foes crossed their path, and they both would be confronted with a curious group called the Brotherhood, and who seemed to be rather interested in Ush. Loto and Ush both thought the Brotherhood to be dangerous and wanting to do them wrong, and decided to simply stay as far away from them as possible.

But Ush started to doubt. 

The familiarity in the eyes of some of the members started to make him question himself about who they are, who he was, and if they could actually help him learn more about himself. But as soon as Lotus would question him, he would dissipate the thought - that would come in a later time. 

Unfortunately, one day, they were found by the Grimalkine twins, a duo of two powerful Huppermages. Lotus and Ush kept their guard up at first, ready to fight or to flee if the situation would get worse for them. But the Grimalkine sisters did not wish to fight, but to talk. 

It is clear to Ush now that they knew him, and while the Huppermages questioned him, Lotus is the one answering with more questions and with a more aggressive tone. The more they confuse him, the more her anger rises and the more she begins to turn verbally violent, even threatening the sisters with the Dofus.
Unfortunately for her, she will learn by them that this Dofus is a fake. 

After taking it away from her, they revealed the power of the artifact: if someone had to touch it, they would remember memories that were once forgotten. When offered to touch it, Ush does not hesitate.
His memories flow once again in his mind, and he now remembers who he truly is: a son of Ecaflip, a noble of Bonta. A member of the Brotherhood. He remembered that he had fought against Yugo for the Eliatrope Dofuses and had lost said battle, and they had left with the dragon eggs. When he was finally left alone in the Ecaflip dimension, something, somehow, forcefully pushed him out of the dimension. The shock was so violent, Ush lost his memories, and got sent back to Bonta.
He remembered his convictions, what he believed in, and his position: staying with Lotus was now impossible.

m6y0.pngGiving her back the Dofus, a separation was now imminent, and Loto knew that; slowly, she felt the world they built for an entire year break and shatter, which only increased her anxiety and anger. Without even noticing, she used the power of the Dofus, or rather absorbed a very small part of it, which not only increased her power, but also made her hair grow way much longer. 

Avoiding a pointless fight, Ush and the Grimalkine left. Lotus, now all by herself, brought her anger upon the Dofus: making it responsible for her suffering, she threw the fake egg on the ground with a powerful swing.
While the Dofus didn't break thanks to the magic still left in it, it did crack a little, and was now temporary unusable: she wouldn't have been able to rely on it for a long time. 

Lotus went back to her hometown, then to the Huppermage Academy: while the faculty was glad to get a student back, it was clear that Lotus was in great distress, as she would lash out to both students and staff alike. After hearing her out and thinking about the possibilities, they reached an agreement.
Lotus became the first Huppermage Scout of the academy. While still pursuing her studies, she had the right to leave the academy's grounds to travel, on the condition to come back more than one week per month to fill a report to the scientific and research department of the academy. 

It was now with a new conviction that Lotus traveled across the World of Twelve: discover more about the Brotherhood, find Ush, and later on, stop the plan of the mysterious group.



Adventure Log

  • The first place they went to was the Puddly village in Amakna. They were quickly captured by the smoll inhabitants, the chief remembering well who Ush was and what he did. Thanks to Lotus, the chief and the group made a deal, and the duo was tasked to find Percimol. It turns out that the hero was in the Crackler dungeon, not far from the village, and was still under the influence of his Flea. After freeing Percimol, their adventure there came to an end. 
  • Still in Amakna, the duo wanders. During their trip, they learn of a magnificent party the princesses in the Holey Forest are organizing, which picks Lotus' interest. Ush was difficult to convince, but in the end decided to go, as there might be someone who actually knows him there. The night goes fairly well, until someone decides to crash the party ...
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA


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    Ush Galesh

    Ush Galesh is a noble of Bonta and son of Ecaflip, which allows him to live nine lives. He is not proud of his demi-god status and joined the Brotherhood in spite of his own father, that he considers selfish.
    He was the closest person to Lotus for a good year and a half until their abrupt separation, and while they didn't have any real contact in years, they are both well informed on each other's actions.

    Joris Jurgen

    The son of two powerful Huppermages and a diplomate who protects Bonta, Joris will not hesitate to break the rules if that means doing what he thinks is right. With Atcham and Kerubim, he tried to stop the doings of the Brotherhood by taking the Eliatrope Dofuses. Of course, since he's the son of two powerful mages, he is well known and respected in the Huppermage community. Lotus stayed in contact with him in regards to the Brotherhood.

    Jahash Jurgen

    Jahash Jurgen was a Bontarian Huppermage and leader of Bonta's armies during the war over the Ebony and Ivory Dofus. Since his death, he was seen as a symbol of humility, strength and kindness, and many Huppermages look up to him and wish to follow in his steps. Lotus often uses him often as a reference to straightening up her attitude.