


1 year, 5 months ago


Reed had a very strict father, But always believed he was like that for his own good and to be the best he could be. His mother on the other hand was sweet and kind and didn’t always agree with his strict father. When Reed grew up and was old enough to live by himself. He became friends with a sweet female cat and soon became mates. They had two kits, Sam and Jake. Reed wasn’t quite ready to be a father, But as long as it made his love happy, He would get used to it. When he wasn’t working or hunting, He would even take care of Rose, Sun, And Smoke as kits. He treated them like his own kits just like he treated Jake and Sam. But after Reed’s mate died from sickness. Reed’s whole world fell apart. He tried staying sane, But he couldn’t even take care or look at his kits as they reminded him of his beloved mate. Reed even rejected Rose, Sun and Smoke and made it where they couldn’t visit him anymore. Reed’s heart turned, And he became cold and heartless to his kits. Sun, Now an adult. Came to Reed one day and asked him for help and that Rose and Smoke were injured from a fight. Reed suddenly felt the love he used to have for F.A.N.G. But snapped back and said he doesn’t care about their health and turned Sun away. Sun saw how his heart turned and didn’t see the use in wasting his time trying to convince him. By his collaboration with Queen Regina, Reed soon became the most powerful cat in the west. He would make deals and own armies and criminal gangs. Reed started favoring his oldest, Jake. Because he paid more attention to his father than Sam. Reed taught Jake how to be his assistant and Jake soon became his second in command. Jake started becoming cruel like Reed, But still had a good relationship with his younger brother Sam. Sam spent most of his time playing with stray horses, Outdoors, And being rebellious to his fathers rules. Of course, This angered Reed, And told Jake to fetch Sam. When he did Reed snapped at Sam and told him he needed to prove his loyalty to his fathers rule, And that was by attacking a powerful criminal gang that resists his rule, F.A.N.G. Sam refused as he didn’t want to attack anyone just for not letting his father control them. But before Sam could walk away he was pinned down by Jake. Reed threatened Sam if he didn’t he would disown him and Sam would spend most of his life in jail for treason and resistance. Sam was terrified by this threat and accepted. But when Sam tried to attack F.A.N.G. He lost a fight with Rose. But F.A.N.G. took pity on Sam as they dealt with Reed’s abusive behavior too. They spared him and let him go. Sam realized he doesn’t have to be prisoned by his father and can live free in Sakura, so Sam abandoned the mission and ran away from home. When Reed found out he was enraged. And saw this as a sign of betrayal and weakness. Reed set a bounty on Sam, Wanted alive. And when Sam gets captured and brought back home. He’ll make sure to make Sam never betray him again.