


1 year, 5 months ago




Putting the dog to sleep

Gender. Male

Residence F.A.N.G. hideout

Age. 17

Species. Half wolf and husky

Ability. Killer instincts

Status. Alive

Role. Side character


Please don't let me hurt anyone..

River is very shy and jumpy. He constantly stumbles over his words and has a stuttering problem. He’s usually nervous and has constant anxiety. River is also very emotional and it’s not that hard for him to start crying and having a mental breakdown. He’s always scared something will go wrong and tries his best to calm down the situation. Yelling and loud noises make him jump in fear and make him uncomfortable. He’s really not that good with being social and will stay quiet if he’s not in the conversation.

Due to abuse, he doesn’t like physical contact and only is affectionate to friends and close ones he trusts. Despite this, he is very sweet and compassionate. He genuinely cares for the people and wants what's best for them, even if the world doesn’t treat him well. He usually compliments others and is very polite. Despite these traits. He refuses to fight as he’s afraid to hurt others, even if they hurt him back.


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As a half wolf and dog, River suffers a predator instinct to kill, struggling to control his predator instincts. River had caring parents, His mother a wolf and his father an Siberian husky. His parents struggled taking care of River in the city, Protecting him from other stray dogs, humans and searching for food. When his mother found out about River’s ability, She only got more stress and worries for her child. One day River’s mother and father both got into a fight about River’s future and ability. The barking and whimpering attracted humans, And after calling animal control. They were both taken away in front of River. River howled and cried for his mother, Struggling to help her. Before the humans could catch River too, his mother growled at him and told him to run. River’s face filled up with tears as he ran as fast as he could. Now alone in the city, River was alone, Terrified what could happen, And things got worse. River would easily feel threatened, And when other strays attacked him. His predator instincts snapped, Severely injuring any who threatened him or stole his prey.

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River never wanted to hurt anyone and felt nothing but guilt whenever he attacked. He kept his distance from humans and other stays to avoid fights and conflict. He became afraid of himself, Afraid that he could hurt a friend or loved one. Stray dogs soon became afraid of him and avoided him. Everyone ignored him, some strays called him a monster. River was only hurt more, And for everyone’s sake, He stayed away avoiding contact. But there was one dog who didn’t fear him. A collie dog named Skylar. She helped River control his killer instincts. And when she trusted him, She offered River to be a part of her group of strays. River wasn’t sure about this offer as he was supposed to isolate himself from everyone to avoid anyone getting hurt. But he had nowhere else to go. No family, and barely hope of survival. So he accepted and went with her group of strays. Some of the group feared River, others made him feel like he belonged. River thought things were getting better, But they weren’t. After months of staying with the group. River wandered far from the territory into the human grounds. After attacking so much, River became known on the news. Everyone panicked and ran away from River, Calling animal patrol. River was confused, And wasn’t aware of the animal control officers coming after him. When River realized what happened, He ran in fear back to the territory but was followed. Skylar tried her best to hide him and fight back. But both River and Skylar got caught in a dead end in an alleyway. River wasn’t going to let Skylar be imprisoned for his mistakes and before Skylar could do anything, River pushed her in a ditch. River attacked the officers to lead them away from her but got caught and shocked. River was chained and muzzled and brought to a pound. He was terrified and cried and whimpered for help. But everyone was afraid of him and ignored him. He never did regret his decision and was glad Skylar and her group were safe and free. After months in the pound, No one adopted River. Everyone knew him and feared him. And when he heard people talk about him, No one wanted a ‘monster’.

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He heard employees talk about him a lot, and from what he heard, His chances of a future weren’t good. One night, River peaked out of his cage. He saw two employees talking to each other. They said something about putting him down. But after being in that cage for so long. He knew what it meant. River panicked, Cried for help. But all he heard was silence. River couldn’t sleep that night, Fearing it might be his last. But suddenly. A Rapterian snuck in the pound. A light brown tall rapterian named Sun. River cried and howled and it got Sun’s attention. Sun felt sympathy for River, And picked the cage. River and Sun saved all the others and everyone escaped. River wanted to go back to Skylar, But the fear of hurting her made him hesitant. His only choice was following Sun. River told Sun about his past. And Sun told him about his outlaw gang, F. A.N.G. Sun let River follow them and hang around knowing he had nowhere else to go. F.A.N.G. Never judged him and made him feel at home. River was thankful to have them, And F.A.N.G. Understanding him calmed his instincts, and he never hurt them by accident. River would even help F.A.N.G. Defeat Kitsune a few times. But one day while walking alone, River was caught once again by two strange government agents, Then sold to a battle arena. River didn’t want to hurt anyone. But humans forced him to fight with electric collars and sticks. River fought and won every battle, And it made his instincts worse. When F.A.N.G. Saved him from that place, River attacked them. Leaving them behind injured. River found himself lost in the Sakura forest. And just like in the city, He kept his distance. River bumped into a strange bounty hunter, A terrifying deer hunter who could control knives named Archer. He knew about River’s reputation and hunted him. One day while running from Archer, River bumped into Ren, A blind healing wolf. Ren brought River to his village. And everyone in the village accepted him, River made close friends with Alice, Delta, Bella, Ren, Sensor and many others. River felt like he had a home again and was thankful he had friends, River made up with F.A.N.G. After what he did. And F.A.N.G. I still treat him like family. River usually wanders the forest, Looking for new friends. But also is still in fear of running from the terrifying hunter.


Soft voices
Peaceful and quiet places
Chicken nuggets


Being touched or pet
Crowded or small places


Sun [ Best friend ]

River feels like he owes him everything since he saved his life. He's very protective over Sun and even though he finds it weird, he allows it and cares a lot for him.

Rose [ Best friend ]

Rose cares for River and is very protective of him. She thinks his killer instincts aren't something to be ashamed of and tells River he shouldn't be so scared of it. She teaches him fighting moves and other survival tips whenever she gets the chance.

Smoke [ Best friend ]

Smoke and River share the same empathy and compassion for others. Smoke isn't scared of his instincts and just thinks River's a cool brother figure. River likes being near him because of how happy and kind he is.